I am happy to show this sixth set of portraits set i maked for RPG book Pathfinder 2E Lost Omens : Travel Guide (©Paizo Inc.)

Ecco a voi questa sesta serie di ritratti che ho fatto per il manuale GDR Pathfinder 2E Lost Omens : Travel Guide (©Paizo Inc.)

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stonking antidisestablishmentarianism

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mal, y entre golpe y golpe lo activa y mi hermana sale disparada para arriba y yo me quedo justo abajo de Alora que sale levitando y con el art. en las manos a su alrededor se empieza a generar un domo de energía. Mi hermana en caída libre cae sobre Alora y desestabiliza todo+

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goosestar and bravefall are peak romance

i mean who doesn't like a good emo/golden retreiver pairing

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In secret, he is a Sith Lord named Darth Travus and constructed a new Sith academy underneath the ruins of Korriban/Moraband after Darth Sidious' death. He is trying to revive the ancient ways of the Sith and disestablish Darth Bane's philosophy of Rule of Two

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Sesta Salutazione

Ad intercessione di S. Michele e del Coro celeste delle ammirabili Virtù, non permetta il Signore che cadiamo nelle tentazioni, ma ci liberi dal male. Amen.

Un Pater e tre Ave al 6º Coro Angelico.

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Sobrinos siempre luchen por sus sueños.... ¡No te rindas! 😈

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