Even more sketches with nothing getting finished??

0 5

i'm not really sure how she ended up out here... maybe the kroniicopter crashed?

2 13

Will my goat sona ever be finished? Probably not

0 22

Finished this fanart of nugget from 's channel, idk what else to add so I guess its finished?

maybe I'll do more touch up later on but for now I am very happy with the result lol. https://t.co/TAU7zDy4iw

0 6

I guess it could be seen as finished? Or not. Not shure.

2 7

I got a REALLY unexpected result with my keywords. XD

Just realized but am I leashed? XD https://t.co/dno3wcZnja

0 5

oops, did I say finished? I meant WIPs.

suffering https://t.co/XkXNM0hSO3

0 0

Sooo... Who wants to join me and become big soft fat blobs? Feast every day! Outgrown the shed? Don't worry we'll get you much bigger that smaller followers can use them as a big soft bed. EHEH!

Yeah can't stop thinking of this game ASDAS! So doodled Draksimp as the leader

16 74

Gonna sleep early tonight, just a tad under the weather o~o

Even with that I still made attempts to work on the animation! I almost finished animating Fauna but I still need a background and other effects… Maybe by the end of the week it’ll be finished??? 👀

Goodnight! ^-^ ❤️

3 26

i'm stuck here forever
subce the last stream crashed???

0 1

A doodle that turned into something finished?!?!?
The yellow:

19 120

moetron with a few adjustments. is this unfinished? yes. am i ever gonna finish it? no.

0 3

Been a hot minute since I've sketched porn. Bored too.

Anyone wanna through their wahmen OCs in the ringer to get smashed?

4 22

Hm? What's that young man, you need to be punished?

/🎨 bakuatsukiyu (go give them money look how good this looks!!)

16 120

My hands got like way shaky midway through this so sorry it’s like. Rushed? Anyways Toren is one of my fave Pokémon characters. I think someone on the character design team knows I love a good stuffable long green haired boy

18 187

How I didn't seen it before?? Aether walking next to zhongli, and zhongli is next to the cat cafe store which means he's getting in with Aether, right? And Xiao also made a cafe with paimon mark, so the twins ordered something. but why Aether blushed??

2 18

Do I get smashed? 🥺

In the back of the head

With a plank of wood

0 6

I have watched episode34.
Do you know how many tears I have shed?
Well, I guess I need to take a break for some peace of mind.

I miss her

3 13