5월은 가정의 달!
가족과 함께 보기 좋은
애니메이션 뭐가 있을까?
동화같은 애니 보면서 동심으로 돌아가보쟈🎈

2 6

Does dim ffordd gywir neu anghywir i rannu llyfr – y peth pwysicaf yw dy fod ti a’r un bach yn cael hwyl! Beth am roi gyda’ch gilydd heddiw?
Gwrando ar straeon Dechrau Da https://t.co/ZE5ECxP4MW

2 1

✨ Oh, it's again! ✨

I'm Jessica, an illustrator and indie dev from California~ I love collaborations, personal projects, the surreal, and things that creep in our dreams~

💌 jessicafongart.com
🎨 https://t.co/rLE7gY90rZ

198 743

在這種時間更新哈 😅

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Some links to share!
🦋Merch meant for cons up online: https://t.co/Ua0MxLwU76
🌸Personal projects/needs helped by Patreon: https://t.co/rLE7gY90rZ
☕Coffee+tea fund: https://t.co/goK6znIzvv
💸Immediate needs: https://t.co/T7mrB3ETMm
💼Professional work: jessicafongart.com

18 54



🌸3/22(日)@香川県丸亀市・musiCafe マイゴ


4 7

🌸Looking for remote contract work 🌸
To keep things afloat post convention season cancellation+work more dev on our indie game, I'm open to contract work! Concepts, books, RPG, etc!


💌I'm packing/shipping items from my store, thanks if you buy/share! https://t.co/OA2LL2NgtT

52 157

☕️Hi! I'm Jessica~ An illustrator, indiedev, and co-founder making 'In the Keeper's Shadow,' a surreal game with themes of parental legacy. I love monsters, personal projects, tea, and I'm looking for work!


172 787

제시카의 빤짝이들 어디있을까?


40 53

Why do you have to be a heartbreaker?
Is it a lesson that I never knew?
Gotta get out of the spell that I'm under,
My love for you...
_Dionne Warwick, Heartbreaker



14 37

我偶像2020又多了兩個身份,小說家和Youtuber 😘 我愛人真的好多才多藝 💕💕💕 快追蹤!!!

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