The Alltaker seeks strong spirits, for each new mourner brings us closer to rebellion.

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The Queen trusts Exraille’s Wisdom, for he is older than The Underworld itself.

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What use is the voice of a harpy, but wash for my blade?

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I am no more agent of destruction than you, Shard. Pray, instead, that we may build anew through unity.


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I would die for my cause and my kin, yet I live for my hope for peace.

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Pleasure and power, persistence and pain, we live in a world where we must fight to gain.

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Where next I point, my legions will destroy. Where next I stand, we will conquer.

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From the deepest chambers of Voxxingard, The Council of Osteomancy imposes order on the Underworld.

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The path you walk is only as steady as your grip. Proceed with care, lest you lose more than just your sword.


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’Tis bittersweet, yet such a treat, that you mourners have arrived. There’s much to learn and much to see in Illverness. Come inside!!!


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Only together will we climb the insurmountable. Only together will we RISE.


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Let us not forget our insidious oppressors… be it Baelrievers, Angels, Demons, or even ourselves…

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No mortal had ever passed through the Veil of Shadows before… but Shard had never tried until now.

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Arena of Spirit: A battle of brawn is nothing next to a battle of mind.

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To topple the Corrupt Celestial rule is not to find balance, but it’s a worthy beginning.

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Heaven’s great hallways and Hell’s grimy hovels are both mortal torture.

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A General must be patient, this I understand. But as a mentor, Demithyle stifles me, limits me, WASTES our fleeting moments!

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Grist… do you suppose this maze has an end? And how many more trap doors can one dungeon have?

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