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“Necessity is important. Isn’t it the reason why Namwoo met me?”

Namwoo accused Sieon of treating people the same way as objects, leaving them behind when they’re no more necessary. Then Sieon chose pure SHADE omg at least they talking ig but still

32 303

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“You don’t know what you want, you don’t even know what to wish for.”

seems something is clicking in sieon mind, on the other side namwoo discovered sieon got hit by taehyuk during their breakup and this realisation seemed quite impactful on him

33 262

“I never had any other purpose in my life. I just wanted the people I love to be happy”

sieon learned how to numb his own feelings to accommodate his loved ones wishes since he was a child, he thought that would make the other person happy and kept doing it until his adulthood

27 159

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“You believe the other person will be happy by leaving your side. Does that comfort you?”

Namwoo had a conversation with Taehyuk while Sieon had one with his friend - who happens to be his ex gf - I think this could have been open minding for both

47 373

I bet it felt really weird for sieon to have someone not wanting to give up on him for the first time, he was speechless <//3

30 232

sieon is indeed a warm person

165 1200

“I want him to know that he’s free to leave me whenever he wants, is that bad?”

the issue are not sieon intentions, but his mentality. He always had good intentions but everything gets lost with his actions, he does bad when he thinks he’s doing good and the other way around

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seems Namwoo is doomed to have Sieon rent free on his mind, man is troubled ,, on the other side Sieon still reminiscing about his past, about the relationship with his mom and how it became more and more complex after she left

37 421

“The longer I hold them, the more they suffer. If I’m the reason why they suffer, I want them to have a clean break.”

that’s why sieon never tried to hold onto his partners, once they showed him discomfort he knew he wouldnt be enough for them anyway, the same goes with namwoo

49 412

there goes his usual smile of circumstance he uses to hide his real feelings will sieon ever be able to genuinely smile like a real happy smile WILL HE

31 321

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“all Sieon actions make me feel miserable”

Namwoo returned Sieon credit card, he’s done, he barely accepted the ice cream Sieon bought him saying he will throw it away later. And Sieon, once again, recognised the same pattern of his past break ups

84 712

“It was a nice feeling to be that special someone. It felt good to have someone rely on me.”

this makes soo sense? sieon had to witness his parents separation being unable to do anything, he felt so useless back then that his most fulfilling wish became being needed by others

25 218

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“it’s up to you if that person is special.”

sunbae and namwoo talk was awkward but seems it made namwoo realise he can’t deny or eradicate what he feels for sieon and sieon talk with eunjun too helped him realise how impactful he was in namwoo life

40 365

appreciation tweet for sieon being tiny and cute because my man too underrated

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the way sieon wants to break up with namwoo not for his own sake but because he’s sure namwoo would have no issues moving forward is heartbreaking, everyone misjudges him but sieon is much more selfless and kind than most thinks

40 334

“That’s what’s wrong with you, you know. Sweet, understanding, indulging everything they ask of you”

taehyuk been so harsh towards sieon, while sieon doesn’t hold any grudge despite how violent their break up was, taehyuk still blaming him for just being the person he is?

21 102

fun part of the chapter was sieon and namwoo sister randomly meeting at the bookstore I cant with sis terrified reaction while sieon was just there like 😶 HELP

6 31

but sieon good behaviour wasnt enough, one night he hears his parents talk, his mom made up her mind choosing to leave the house. That was the hardest blow for sieon, imagine if the only family member u feel comfortable with is leaving and u cannot do anything to change it 💔

7 39

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in this chapter too we see more about sieon past. He was very much aware of the problems between his parents and tried to get closer to his father, thinking he would come to hate him if sieon was too close with his mom only -

12 150

“I’m in love..they care about me and they try their best with me”

namwoo is really the best person sieon could find, despite the ups and downs he’s the only one whos trying to understand and accept sieon for the person he is. And the parallel with taehyuk emphasize it even more

29 150