for my (very generous and patient) $10 patrons I've got the first roundup of full res art PSDs in a while! this set includes the source files for a few cool SLARPG things as well as some assorted personal art and stupid doodles

20 53

throwback to april fools 2016 when i revealed a new party member for slarpg, the beloved Catgirl Jpeg

35 200

Bugbat here with Slarp, winner of big juggling competition! He impress judges by catchin three knives at once, one with hims head! He gotta go to doctors place, but he probably be fine. Especially cause he win year supply of wasp honey!

1 10

Bugbat here at opening round of SNAIL CHECKERS! Delicious game of the big minds and clever thinkin! Only the smartest, sneakiest gob can take the prize, so trickery encouraged! Here's Slarp Skullsniff representing blue team, him using classic decoy in the audience play! Go Slarp!

1 9

i was randomly possessed by the urge to adjust the shading on the pine trees in slarpg recently even though that is by no means an urgent thing to work on (before/after)

12 133

buys ad space for slarpg on furaffinity and makes a banner ad that's just this but with jodie

23 204

we did some research and found the favorite SLARPG character of each state. really makes you think

5 78

this is still one of my favorite stupid jokes in slarpg

53 263

i always feel like the character sprites in slarpg are so small when i'm working on them or playtesting the game, but in reality compared to the sprites in actual 16-bit jrpg's they're enormous

30 256

here's a few screenshots of other enemies in slarpg that i don't post as often for folks who haven't been following the game for years (also i tweaked the palettes of a couple of these backgrounds)

17 91

since i've been working on these, here's a little look at what the battle backgrounds in slarpg look like before and after the Dithering Magic and palette adjustments

36 181

Happy Holidays from the SLARPG team!

64 210

sweater innocence w/ holly and mona🐁🐶#slarpg

33 77

slarpgdevteam dot jpeg

21 103

Yksi kpl commission lle
hahmo Kristian luonnollisessa ympäristössään

1 9

Nämä animemakerit tekee musta syntisen ihmisen, mut ainakin käytän hyvään tarkoitukseen.


0 4

minä? tuhertamassa angstia kun yritän hillitä kontaktoitumista? more fucking likely than you think.

1 4

hey i never posted this and that's a crime bc mermaid au Hopea/Auski is the highlight of my life

1 7

pelien väliset ropet menee aina nollasta sataan ja takasin nollaan

2 4