Gladion! He’s my secondary Fursona… haha lil emo dog dude I designed back in 2016. He played a big part in my life during my edgy angsty high school years. I still love him deeply though!

Art by Me, @/batnoise, @/lakecryptid, @/GarbageOf_Eden

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Finally got a sona… Don’t tell anyone !!

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ponysona…his name is slick

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I would like to take a minute to introduce my fursona…I’m a little obsessed with Xem rn

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*Instinctively hugs Majin-Musashi*

“Ack! Sorry, I gravitate towards Musashi for some reason!”

Jumps back to create distance.

“💢Speaking of which, someone here slashed a Musashi… a certain /Drabby/ like persona…

no names though just salt.”

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the rare posting of images

persona… possibyk….

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I think… I went a little overboard… making my Yusona….

I really love to do character design :’) I guess that’s why 😭

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i… i made my ponysona…

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I made a Wings of Fire sona…

He’s a night/sand hybrid and I love him


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Just chilling in VC at 3am and doodled my sona… I am in love with what they did here 😩😭

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P L E A S E ignore the fact that I forgot the design of my own persona…. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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i was colour picking from drawings of my persona…

why is it so inconsistent?

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Not me forgetting to add my glasses to my truesona… 6 months after I made them I remembered… I wear glasses bc I’m blind af xD So updated the ref with glasses !! My rat 💖

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Ora dei sogni. Per le piccole evasioni notturne dalla realtà, stanotte vi propongo una capatina a Fairyland, dove una piccola fata coronata, dopo avere letto la fiaba del principe ranocchio, vuole verificare di persona…Curiose di assistere? Notte bimbe!

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I tag with his vulpix OC and my Furry sona… this seems like a great gift to get them for their birthday

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my stylus died,, rough design of lop sona… hes anxious and gardens

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Because I’m not sure if you’ve guys already have seen my persona… here it is!!

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My Pokémon Trainer sona… is a CRIMINAL 😈

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