Day 13: A to grow under
How do flies help us understand
During development cells have to produce other cells, they have to move, change shape, and commit to new functions. (1/4)

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Oh guys, since it’s nearly I thought I’d mention I’ve got themed Halloween cards available on Redbubble- niche I know, but are cool right?

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Day2.The of armor of the its exoskeleton.
After the adult leaves the puparium, the exoskeleton is soft, wings are folded and the head all blown up. Later, wings will unfold and the exoskeleton will harden.

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Prompt: winged

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When a larvae gets hurt (e.g. when falling from their little Crystal cells travel to the and help to plug it and form a scab. They get their name from the tiny dark crystals inside them.

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Including video process

⚡️ Start 0.03WETH

Ending in 5 days ( September 22, 2021 at 12:45pm +09)


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Including video process

⚡️ Start 0.03WETH

Ending in 7days ( September 22, 2021 at 12:45pm +09)


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【叶中心イラスト集】Gypsophila | MILK MIN
8/30 21時~販売開始いたします。

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Postdoc and technician positions available in my lab! 3yr funded project on Drosophila nutrition, male fertility & ageing, . w/ 3rd Sep deadline, contact me for more info

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Gypsophila flower crown and gingko, only for my love🥺💙

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AlphaFold2すげーな。Drosophila melanogasterのscallopedタンパクA鎖の予測させたらほぼ正解だった。なお、素人が遊んでるだけなので全然科学的ではない。

左、AlphaFold2の予測 右、既知の立体構造

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For we've taken to Instagram to talk about some of our favourite six-legged model organisms with the public. Take a look at our first profile: the original lab insect, Drosophila melanogaster

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This is going to sound crazy, but these three (Torel, Indira, and Sophila) have upwards of 50 uncles. Their father just has a large number of brothers that sort of just adopted each other as such.

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