237/365 - i forget which game used this style but whateva. wutai wednesday

0 7

236/365 - been enjoying ghost sweeper mikami

0 5

234/365 - watched project a-ko yesterday

0 9

230/365 - it's the great ninja, charlie brown!

0 5

229/365 - quick grumpy baseball akemi

0 5

226/365 - the most tragic one piece character.

0 5

225/365 - meeting of the minds this summer of science

5 8

220/365 - yeah i'm excited for prison lesbians too but i wanted to celebrate the REAL big announcement from yesterday

0 5

219/365 - i'm always thinkin about short hair utena

4 9

218/365 - tfw they underestimate the bt-42's christie suspension

3 6