Remember the Beasts Set released some months ago? (

Well, cutfiles are now available here:

(also, cutfiles for past week's Character Set: Baby Tarrasque)

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I've always known that D&D took liberties with the monsters it pulled from, that the folklore is a jumping off point, and that sometimes the only similarity is in the name. I mean, hell, take a look at the Tarrasque. I can't fault you for playing with the one on the right.

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Got to do a piece for a client on
He wanted me to draw a mythological Tarrasque for a homebrew Dungeons and Dragons campaign.

Support me on Ko-Fi!

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This is Lukas! He’s a human Dragoon. Hopelessly addicted to coffee but a damn good fighter. Raised by a Dragonborn and destined to fight a Tarrasque, he and the rest of the party got up to some great shenanigans. Not always the most serious though.

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Day 20 of Tarrasque Ribs for the

This one of those ones where the size of the dish is what makes it fun to draw. A Tarrasque is basically the biggest thing you could encounter in DnD so I really wanted to make it feel enormous.

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Me tarde en subir esto pero es otra tanda de criaturas que hago para un proyecto personal, en orde son un Conejo Lunar raso, C L mago, C L Pesado, C L General, Deborador de intelecto, Neothelid, Tarrasque, Illithid de mente, Illithids de fuerza, Trap Plant jefe.

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Was feeling how the Tarrasque was looking in my last post so I made this little doodle

Have a little baby monster supporting their art friends

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The from is always shown as an unstoppable beast. But compared to other beast in media its a pretty small boi.

Tarrasque 50 ft

939 ft

Leviathan 3,050 ft

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So, a chat with friends has degenerated (or perhaps ascended) to the point it resulted in a flash sketch of this.
Have a dragon-piloted Tarrasque mech.

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We got chased by a tarrasque and I could help myself, the hands are the best thing i love them
Akta needs better stamina lol

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Getting maps ready for Tarrasquecon slot zeroes tomorrow!

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Feral WYRM. A beast that was abandoned as a hatchling and never taught dragon knowledge. When a Holy woman discovered the beast terrorizing a frankish village; she was able to subdue it with divine speech and make it (mostly) docile to the human population.

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Tarrasque! It's a kaiju in D&D and a half turtle/half lion in French folklore. Tried to land in the middle!

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the tarrasque is such a cool myth and the version has awesome abilities but I always thought it looked kida lame, so heres my take on it.

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Trying out some new CSP brushes while doing some Tarrasque arm studies

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Got artists block so I'm painting custom Creatures. This one is a Firelands Tarrasque. Might colour it later.

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Suddenly remembering our DND party has to fight a Tarrasque tonight!

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My dm-ing aesthetic is Pastel Death God. (I just learned about the Tarrasque this week now its my favorite.)

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