Yayy, I finished this before Valentine's Day ended! Here's a cutesy Tatsujun.

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6 46

best of 2019....i only drew good tatsujuns this year 😂

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new tatsujun charms up for preorder! first one has gold foil + transparency, the second is full bleed.

also puts tatsujun bundle up.. (i'm too lazy to make the graphic look nice rn) it's about a 25% discount but still expenny😔

get ur tatsujuns👉https://t.co/KCEB1O5W72

38 48

Additional charms with print arrived today. Messiahs are all here, until the next (true) reincarnation!

4 5

a (late) persona 2 anniversary tatsujun art collab with ! he did the coloring while i did the line art :]

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Some persona 2 / persona 5 crossover doodles (feat tatsujun )

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Tatsujun collab San and I did on the iPad together >:3ccccc

84 202

summer tatsujun

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