Ainda não superei que acabou TwT era um dos meus desenhos favoritos, vou lembrar dele pra sempre


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was a really good cartoon! I started to watch it around 2015 and the first episode I saw was one with and she was my favorite since that day. So, I wanted to draw her! I’m glad she’s doing fine now! :D

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In 2013, a show came on that helped me in several ways. It helped me see things from different perspectives, understand people's problems, & see the good in something that seems bad, weird, or stupid @ first. for everything.😭

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É, acabou. Depois de 7 anos, nos separamos desses personagens. Um desenho que me marcou tanto, eu nem tenho palavras pra descrever como eu me sinto com isso,
só queria agradecer à Rebecca e toda a Crewniverse por terem tornado esse sonho real. (+)

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Não posso dizer nada mais que um obrigado pra esse show incrível que incentiva o amor, a criatividade e a aceitação de um jeito único e consegue trazer a sensação de que nunca vamos estar sozinhos
"We will always be your family"

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a bit of throwback to some of my Steven Universe fanart! Watching the finale gave me a wild ride of emotions 😭😭 ⭐️⭐️

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Difícil acreditar que acabou....
Nem parece que se passaram mais de anos, foi tudo tão rapido perfeito ;-;

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I can't express how Steven Universe helped me grow as a person and as an artist. Thank you for growing up with me steven, and for making these years a little less hard to live.

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Drew a Steven for warmup today!

Honestly, I'm just glad everything ended well

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Some of the old fanarts. I really enjoy watching this show. The ideas, the music and everything this show brings to the world. Thanks again and all SUSTAFF for such an amazing show. Thank you so much.💙💙

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Quick Amethyst to celebrate the finale of Steven Universe Future and the conclusion of the series as a whole.

Big congrats to the Crewniverse for making such a beloved show. You guys did something truly special.

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I don't post my art on Twitter like, at all but i'm emotional ok. Thank you for being a part of my universe. I'll never forget you.

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I drew some fanart bc im sad that steven universe has now ended. Thank you and crewniverse. I wish you all well and I am so happy i got to grow up with such an amazing show ❤️

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Steven universe was with me through art school and ended the day I got my first job in animation. I havent seen the finale yet but I will, and I will cry.
and everyone else made something truly beautiful and I'm so happy I got to see it.

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I am a fan of Corrupted Steven's Kaiju-lookin' ass

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we are your family, steven💗

muchas gracias a rebecca sugar y a todo el equipo que hay detrás por crear esta maravillosa serie, la llevaré siempre dentro de mi corazón 💞

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Wow I can't believe Steven Universe is actually done!!! for such amazing work and being unforgettable!!! Thank you for making Steven Universe!!

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