Tis the Seasons art show is located in the former Nautilus gift shop, under Beary Tales. This painting has already sold but prints are available as well as a bunch of amazing art from other local artists.

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"Church of Reflections, Christmas Morning"
18" x 24"
Acrylic on canvas

This is the third of three paintings I have in the Tis the Seasons art show happening during Knott's Taste of Merry Farm food/retail festival.

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"Cordelia and Walter"
18" x 24"
Boysenberries and white acrylic on canvas

This is the second of three paintings I have in the Tis the Seasons art show happening during Knott's Taste of Merry Farm food/retail festival.

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The artist for our
☃️Beannachdan na Raith ⛄️items is if you’d like to see more of her work visit:

For the HH Bonfire shop visit:


The HH items available until Nov 30th 🐧

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been a bit busy with uni stuff and procastination all along. kinda going back in track with this drawing of my oc Martha, with a redesign and pose based on a fanart my friend made :P

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Cool kids 😎
Oliver’s new pet pumpkin is ready to help hunt some cryptids!
Don’t forget to join us Friday for our special YouTube Livestream event with the cast answering your questions @ 6:00pm PST!!


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