I did a little redraw of the most memeable scene from (dunno how many people know this old anime). Sylvain sometimes really reminds me of Touga 🤣

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Oh hey I'm out of Tweets, lmao, I'm missing so much whatever I'm clicking send, thank you for coming on this weird unorganized, definitely very unthorough rambling journey through 20 years ago on the net

btw to show my WHOLE ass, I used to really hate Touga i dunno i was dumb

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564 - Tirtouga
Type: Water/Rock

About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to attack prey.

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564 - Tirtouga
Type: Water/Rock

About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to attack prey.

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I was looking at my mutual's
@/bakatouga on twitter. :3
artworks for some inspiration and I found this character. I decided to paint her and I hope they like it! I had a lot of fun painting her!💜

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On of my friend had this idea of as utena and Anthy. I love the crossover so much here is my first piece.
Dante is Touga
Randal is Saionji
Elias is Miki

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Touga Yagari
now Mycroft friggin Holmes https://t.co/7OriR1Izax

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Aaand more doggos. I've really been thinking more of the lore of this AU.

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commission for @/BattougaSharin

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Ok after considering an earlier tweet from i have compiled my dumb bitch fictional crush simp list which is mostly fate characters but i’ll start with these non fate characters because they’re hot yes touga is toxic but also pretty

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After it’s revealed that it’s none other than Cesare Borgia under the Sexy Ponytail Helmet, Lucrezia runs into his arms in a scene that Ikuhara must have really liked, since he used the same imagery for Nanami and Touga

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564 - Tirtouga
Type: Water/Rock

About 100 million years ago, these Pokémon swam in oceans. It is thought they also went on land to attack prey.

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Can I offer you centuries old Touga memes in these trying times

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"Without revealing your age, post your first anime crushes."

Thief King Bakura / Gene Starwind / (I CHEATED HERE WITH 3 GUYS (Akio/Touga/Saionji) sweats), and Hayate from Pretéar.

Let's say a lot of these characters have influenced my male OCs in some way. 👀

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Without posting your age, post your first anime crushes.

Got a two-fer in there with Utena+Touga, cuz why not.

A lot of my crushes come from 90s animu, cuz I'm fuckin old.


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•coloring da touga

repost pq flopou

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Himiko Touga (MHA), but in Goro Majima's outfit.

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