live umas 16h conversando sobre o Trundle e montando o famoso champion tier do chat 4head

créditos: u/ AJones11

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Last night I learned Trundle exists and now I have a new guy to thirst over and a reason to get very excited tonight.

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And re-rolled the three skins I had with the help of Sona's skin and got that. I mean, it's a good skin but I don't play Trundle 👀

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⏳El banquete de los reyes (Novela LoL)⏳
No recordaba que Trundle es un campeón que existe y tampoco recordara que fuera un troll inteligente, todo ha sido sorprendente

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Whereas in our citizens think nothing of taking the odd statue out for a walk. Here is the Duke of having a trundle round Park Lane in the summer of 1846

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Warm up sketch that went rogue. Hard to feel bad about accidental Trundle fanart though. Get him in LoR already.

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EAHUEAHU Graves é bem propício pra gerar essas reações... Aff...

Eu tenho problemas com essa foto do Trundle, fico doido com a posição que ele tá sentado, a cara de mau...

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"Whoever has the biggest club is the king of the field, that's the rule."

My OC cosplaying as Lil Slugger Trundle from

Now back to commissions!

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he trundle off

lookie he go

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Free Champion Rotation, Week of April 7th: Akali, Amumu, Darius, Dr. Mundo, Gragas, Kled, LeBlanc, Shaco, Talon, Trundle, Varus, Vayne, Wukong, Zilean, and Zyra

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I am the female equivalent of Trundle

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"Trundle is so silly, that in his interaction with LoR's Nocturne, Nocturne tells him that his club of Pure Ice will melt and he laments crying, not understanding that the club technically can't melt."

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Trixx ( ) took the red eye flight to make it to the village a little early -

Don't mind him mew-andering about after hours tho; hes got an Algier ( ) plush to keep him company as he trundles about
by !

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Tom just firing off skins was a really fun way to keep the narrative crazy. So after Trundle smacks Olaf through a dimensional rift the berserker finds himself in the Beasthunter AU, where he hunts monsters with the crew. (4)

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The way Tom and I worked, he would just lay out a bunch of skins that he wanted to draw, and I would come up with some ideas as to how Olaf would end up fighting them. It should come as no surprise to ANYONE that Olaf fights Trundle in the first few pages (3).

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ça parlait de skin de trundle, du coup j'ai improvisé un truc, l'est pas foufou mais y a peut être un potentiel <]:^D

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