不定期連載開始!「くたばれ!SG業界 不憫なUIUXデザイナー」

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Personal Project with the intention of during the month design several Headings with different themes, to practice the creativity.

Link: https://t.co/CkHpl2tMrK

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The subtle art that differentiates good designers from great designers: https://t.co/CIrBv51Slc

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10 Halloween costumes only people in tech will understand: https://t.co/P9ixpfZmc3

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The iPhone X notch is... purposeful? Read more about the branding element: https://t.co/sSBs1OfZT2

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The art of the split-screen layout. See more beautiful examples: https://t.co/JKCL06RPkx

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We found this Image and want to share it with you. Enjoy it! xD

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