Al fin! Terminado el primer presentado a Sailor Urgot 😂
Hecho con
Gracias a y a por la idea del crossover 🤗

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Had these rolling around forever. They're finally done LOL

My entire SG set is done~

Urgot doesn't count.

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I have awoken

In my dream visited Riot HQ, the guys behind League of Legends

It was a musical

They were removing all but 16 champs
They were making it for console
Amumu .. died and became a happy ghost
They called Urgot fat and ridiculous and that killed him

It was a musical

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always thumbnail!

this helps you work on poses, perspective, composition, and lighting without worrying about the smaller details, only the important parts!

urgot and warwick by

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Drew this icon of wearing a mask!
This time I drew it all by hand with my drawing tablet which is why it looks bad/off W/e though I'm learning :)

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I drew 4 more pics today! Using a 3d model as a reference was very helpful. - No actual gamedev today though :(

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made a simplified model of from - I'm gonna be making some more emotes of him and I figure it'll be easier to have this as a reference to work with!

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Arte Promocional de Urgot Blindaje Belico de TFT Galaxias Retorno a las Estrellas, Realizado por el Artista Conceptual e Ilustrador en Riot Games, TJ Geisen

Su ArtStation:

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TFT Galaxies Battlecast Urgot promo by T.J. Geisen

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11 Juin 1775: Sacre de Louis XVI.

Incité par son ministre Turgot à se faire couronner à Paris, le Roi tint résolument à respecter à la lettre le cérémonial ancestral de ses «noces avec la Nation», auxquelles il s'était pieusement préparé depuis longtemps.

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Battlecast Urgot TFT Galaxies Return to the Stars Key Art by T.J. Geisen

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Neeko sirène finie \o/

J'aurai du prendre une plus grande taille de canvas pour que ce soit plus net :c

N'hésitez pas si vous voulez d'autres personnages en sirène (j'accepte tout sauf Urgot hehe)

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4 champs 4 ever, hah

Maybe I could swap out Urgot for Cho or Gnar

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Free Champion Rotation, Week of May 19th: Camille, Ekko, Fiddlesticks, Ivern, Kassadin, Kayle, Lee Sin, Lucian, Quinn, Soraka, Urgot, Vi, Xayah, Yasuo, and Yuumi

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i furgot i had dis account for a hawt minute.....
da turnip girl . Yes

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Born 10May1727 Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, minister of Finance, who wanted to ensure economic liberty and wealth for all Frenchmen. He once addressed letter to Louis XVI stating: "No bankruptcy! No increase of taxes! No borrowings!"

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[#OurFavourites] We asked our staff members to share their preferred works of art from the collection.

François-Hubert Drouais (Paris 1727 - 1775 Paris)
'Portrait of Anne Robert Jacques Turgot', c. 1775
Oil on canvas, 73 x 69,7 cm

Chosen by Paulo, infrastructure & maintenance

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