Uma explosão de fofura e timidez, a vergonha de chegar nas pessoas chegou ao ápice do fofo na Temporada de Primavera 2019!

Hitori Bocchi mostra as dificuldades da pequena Bocchi em tentar fazer amizade com a turma inteira; cada amizade nova foi uma nova…

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"Hambriento tras grandes banquetes entre colegas, el cínico se vio desamparado cuando la miseria tocó su puerta, todo aquel arte déspota no pudo llenar sus bolsillo y aque viejo nepota se vio forzado a mendigarle a a falsa estatua del poder, la cual leva…

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美少女+メカ+クリーチャー+ワカメ影(というか多段影 が流行していた80年代半ばから後半のOVA…

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Portraits of the Civilized (David K.)
148 x 210 mm
Acrylic, Calligraphy Ink, and Watercolour on Paper
“Portraits of the Civilized” explores the price we pay for our ego, desires, and the pursuit of social status. We present a carefully cultiva…

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'Fistfuls of Sky' is our current group exhibition (link in bio).

This incredible painting is AVAILABLE as part of the show:

'Sky Bound' by Caitlin Hackett (), watercolour, acrylic, pen and ink on paper, 9" x 7", £320GBP.

All ava…

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雪菜(種田梨沙さん) 、冥駕(花江夏樹さん)、矢瀬(逢坂良太さん)、黒猫…

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8. my weirdest oc is definitely savva…. hes a human cursed to be sandman, n has been at the job long enough that hes completely forgotten how 2 interact w others like a normal person. he talks super vaguely n loves to throw out random riddles
art is once again @/odvunir

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Simone Tempia e la sua fanno sempre riflettere un sacco! Ecco i miei “appunti” di un recente dialogo tra Sir e Lloyd ! ❤️✏️🤗. with
“Odio vivere nelle ristrettezze, Lloyd”
“Suggerirei allora di prova…

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Tonight starting at 8pm I will be at selling some selling some and drinking some . Come join me and bunch of other cool artist. And yes, there will be some sexy swan.

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“Give up already, Jojo~”
“You wish, you damn Casanova…!“

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Un des imprimés qui sera disponible au le 26 mai prochain au j’espère vous y rencontrer! Fait pour l’anthologie Furr qui sera également disponible chez mon partenaire de table,
One of the prints that will be ava…

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