I finally got around to watching and Vi... I just had to draw her.
Expect more Arcane art!!! And possibly... merch... it's such a good show

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Abandona tu celular y limpia...Sasageyo.📵🚮⚔️♿💕✨
Dicen que mi esposo se parece a Levi... Porque no lo han visto bien XD se parece más a Dross, pero su encanto es único. 😍

2 9

Sigo sin creerme lo que vi...
Pensé que me había quedado dormido en la sala.
No, lo que vi fue real.
Pensé que me iba a gustar a medias como las anteriores dos. Gente no digo mas, es su obligación como seres humanos ir a verla, con todo y defectos que pueda tener,

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"Cassidy fait face à une mystérieuse silhouette qui l'a suivi..."

OMG. Le stress de cet épisode, mais qui ça pourrait être ?! 😬

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I AM LITERALLY SO SORRY THIS TOOK ME 8000000 YEARS but my half the art trade for xuvi... homura...

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ill mess more with the colours maybe later but star guardian vi....? maybe she gets corrupted??? :3

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..yeaah I think I'm still a bit confused with the height difference of Caitvi... 😂 also a tad surprised at the amount of reaction that drawing got 😳 Thanks! https://t.co/wntidSheB8

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essa fanart da katniss e do haymitch no casamento dela com o peeta é uma das melhores que eu já vi...

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👀 (Il se peut que j'ai oublié de record le début de Vi...)

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thinking about Vi... and her arms... and her everything

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O anime com a amizade mais pura e real que já vi...

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don't retweet //

i cant resist showing off a wip for cafe cuties cait n vi..... cause im predictable

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Akala ko ba Levi...

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what if I draw a facepalm avi....

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