this is just a memo to myself; draw fullbody refs of these you wanker

0 3

Male pokèmon trainer: U-umm I think it's time to lay off the..
Fem pokèmon trainer: *grabs hims* What yer say you bumlin cunt do ya want to *hic* waant tae murdurr on spot Now! pay th' funkin tab you wanker and order more of them whiskey
Male pokèmon trainer: S-SORRY!!!

1 6

I drew a Wissil for a certain skull-faced wanker

5 34

I have drawn this wanker SO much

86 228

Occupation: brother, wanker

1 6

At my age
one should hang out
and live fast
but I stay at home like a wanker
and don't want to get out

173 673

W is for wanker, wankers.


43 330

Holy Wankershim! You missed the new No worries. Watch here:

7 51

For people who like Comics Wankery, here's some stuff I was thinking about in the last action sequence, as I was concerned about panel flow

63 315

Important question. Who is the biggest Wanker? Music round 1

0 0

And since I am not content to just post other peoples video's and accomplishments, here is some sketchy with Photoshop wankery. ABC!.

7 92

In an effort to be kinder and gentler, I've changed the description of my "Delusional Wankers" list to Trump Supporters instead of Assholes.

1 0

It appears that if you are just a mere mortal and follower, if I put you on my "Delusional Wankers" list, you magically disappear. Bye Kevin

1 0

My cunning plan revealed.
Have you checked my lists lately? Did you just get added to "Delusional Wankers"? Chk&see.

1 0

1) This time it's true. It was bound to happen. I just added someone to my lists, "Shitty Spellers", "So Not Seals" and "Delusional Wankers"

1 1