❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Holy crap, I never had the time to admire these amazing Code Geass collab URs! Everyone looks great, but my Wooby just keeps pulling off those costumes perfectly. Absolute eye candy over here! Happy Wednesday, folks!

3 21

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

My goodness, Love Live really does jackets and sweaters well! Our wonderful u's 2nd-years look great in them and the illustrations are very colorful, too. Overall, some great stuff to admire! Happy Tuesday, folks!

6 30

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! These new URs are amazing! I love what they did with Emma and Riko, but they really went all out with my precious Yumu. Everything is so colorful and majestic, it makes my eyes smile! Happy Sunday, folks!

3 24

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

I never would've imagined that SIFAC's Candy Pop Princess set was coming to SIF! Everyone looks great, but Honky and the incredibly great Maki are too perfect. Please stay pretty for all of us, girls! Happy Saturday, folks!

2 14

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

More SIFAS story stills have arrived and a lot of them! Everyone looks clean and perfect, but Maki is simply too incredibly great to pass on. Overall, I'm loving what I'm seeing here. Great stuff! Happy Wednesday, folks!

4 21

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

The love just keeps coming for these amazing SIF URs! Both Shizu and Iruka Suda look clean and amazing and the backgrounds and costumes altogether really shine among the pack. Overall, great stuff! Happy Monday, folks!

3 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Man, am I in love with these SRs? Dia looks absolutely clean, but I was kinda anxious for Eli's for weeks. Those illustrations are so colorful and are well worth mentioning. Overall, great stuff here! Happy Sunday, folks!

3 22

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Man, is it great to wake up to new and amazing URs? You looks dazzling, but I personally think both of Kasumi's illustrations sold it for me. Kasumi, You, please stay absolutely precious for us! Happy Saturday, folks!

2 23

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Today's tweet is brought to you by Aqours' majestic composer in Riko Sakurauchi. She might not be an incredibly great tomato, but she still plays an amazing piano. Riko, please stay precious for us! Happy Thursday, folks!

2 22

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Man, the URs just keep coming, don't they? Everyone looks great in their own unique illustrations, but I personally think Wooby looks the prettiest. She's simply too perfect for every UR she's in. Happy Wednesday, folks!

4 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Just look at how bright and colorful these URs are! Everyone looks perfect, but Wooby is truly something else in my heart. Man, Aqours really knows how to pull of UR sets, don't they? Great stuff! Happy Tuesday, folks!

5 26

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Spring is finally here and they brought some URs! Dia and Yohane look amazing, but I personally like what they did with Maru. Those illustrations are very colorful. Overall, great stuff with this one! Happy Monday, folks!

4 24

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Strawberries are delicious and so are these SRs. Mia and Riko are just precious, but Shizuku continues to be Shizucute in my book. Overall, a delicious serving of extremely colorful cards! Happy Sunday, folks!

4 23

❤️Happy St. Patty's, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Can we just take a second to fall in love with Himari Uehara's newest card in Bandori? She looks amazing in both of her illustrations, but that unidolized face is the cutest thing I've ever seen. Happy Thursday, folks!

5 19

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

It might be Monday, but it's a great Monday if you're waking up to extremely blessed Liella cards! Everyone looks majestic here in their illustrations and outfits, especially Kanon. Great stuff here! Happy Monday, folks!

5 20

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

On the subject of Umi's birthday, this UR couldn't have arrived at a better time. What an amazing set of outfits and illustrations for our blue-haired angel! Also, that's a nice Yohane SR. Great stuff! Happy Sunday, folks!

6 27

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

March seems to be rolling by quick and we still have a birthday on the horizon. This Umi UR look amazing in all aspects. A neat illustration to go with that insane outfit. Great stuff over here! Happy Saturday, folks!

4 23

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

There's nothing that makes me shout "HAPPY DANCE!" more than these amazing KU-RU-KU-RU Cruller URs! Everyone looks great, but I personally think Wooby and Mari each won the day. Amazing stuff here! Happy Thursday, folks!

3 19

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

Man, where do I start with these u's URs? Eli and the birb look amazing as usual, but man, oh man, does the incredibly great tomato just wow me every time? Maki, I love you and everything about you! Happy Wednesday, folks!

3 19

❤️Salutations, my wonderful Makis, Yumus, & Woobies!❤️

There's been so many neat SIF cards in recent memory. The SSR of Rin is nice and those are some impressive Maru and Setsuna URs, but that bun is too immaculate in the UR department, IMO. Great stuff! Happy Tuesday, folks!

3 15