STARRED REVIEW “A well-crafted tale about healthy adaptation to new environs merges with superb artwork.”

4 14

“A jolt of gloriously unsubtle storytelling, packed with copious amounts of fan service and some cracking artwork.”

reviews Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe from @ , on sale today from


4 8

“Considered one of the strongest teams in the organisation, Internal Affairs makes sure to deal with traitors and agents going rouge. Since this is rarely the case, they are quite often bored and stuck with paperwork.”

0 1

— with now practiced care.

“They’re what carried us true those trying times. Though, I’m surprised you recall this fondly. I’m afraid I’ve lost track of just how many times you weren’t satisfied with my handiwork.”

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"What do you like to do?”


“Very restful, isn’t it?”

“Well,” said Arya, “not the way I do it.”

90 138

“Learning about productivity takes away from the time you’ve got to actually do the damn work.”

1 4

Self Portrait Joaquín Sorolla y Bastida
“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”

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