My thoughts on the GBFV Tier-list before the patch drops on Monday.

>Narm really strong but requires significantly more execution
>Ladiva is stupid but still needs to get her turn somehow
>Charlotta might be higher (read:dumber)
>Djeeta might be lower (not dumb enough)

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La cuenta oficial de Granblue Fantasy Versus anuncia con esta ilustración de Djeeta y Lyria las buenas ventas de Granblue Fantasy Versus en todo el mundo, ¡que ya superan las 350.000 unidades!

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Seeing as GBVS already has weapon skins and multiple models for certain characters, I really hope they eventually make alternate costumes for the cast. I’d shell out big money for Vaseraga’s bandaged look.

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GBVS Online Locals is on again Saturday 25th April 8pm-11pm Japan time! Come get that community atmosphere as we play, chat and learn the game together!

*Running PS4 version in private lobby. If we exceed room size we can go public lobby

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NOTE: Dates adjusted!

So who's up for some Tekken 7 and Granblue next weekend? (25th-26th Apr)

Tournaments will be on PS4. 2pm start. GBVS on Saturday, Tekken on Sunday.

Signup details below:

GBVS (25/04):

Tekken 7 (26/04):

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Soriz Hype
No need for word just watch this :

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Curious about the "Bonus Lobby Avatar" beauties?

the blue duelist, she wear a bunny costume after being manipulated by devious intentions w

is your Casino guide and she appears in few stories!

And the Empress of Gamblers in the background!

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