Que opiniones tienen de Kengan Ashura vs Baki ?
Ignoremos escalas de poder o quien gana en un mano a mano. Hablenme de sus experiencias con cada uno.

Que les gustó más y que menos?

Cual tenía las peleas más entretenidas de observar?

Y de cada uno, cual fue su momento favorito

0 1

ngl i want a kengan ashura GOOD fighting game so bad def would Main The Fang of Metsudo KANOH AGITO!!!!!

0 5

Watched and despite cgi anime it has alot of shading and actual facial expressions. But reslly I was in it for all the bloody fights and action. Plus it really like to blur the homosocial and homoerotica. Nice fights, fun characters and fun to watch

3 5

This might be my favorite scene in Kengan Ashura so far! I really wasn't expecting a Disney-esque mascot to appear much less be this ripped lmao
Throw those hands Mockey!

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It's almost weird seeing Setsuna act so normal when he's not focused on Ohma! Also I'm glad he at least seems to respect Yamashita, this scene was almost heart-warming

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i needed to doodle so i figure i draw these guys because i never have before

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Yooow,, it’s finally done 😂👊 makin a crossover fanart Ippo and Gaolang ❤️

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Kengan Ashura x Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru

7 23

The only thing keeping Kengan Ashura from being a top tier anime for me is the CGI used excessively. Besides that, the characters are gold, the premise is great, and the fights are intense and unpredictable. Absolutely recommended. Manga 9.5/10, anime solid 8/10. Gaolang best boy

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Sakura Ogami. I've seen Kengan Ashura, Baki, FOTNS, and currently watching Hajime no Ippo. I'm pretty sure my marital arts knowledge is greater than hers. Also I'm playing Yakuza 0 so I think I could take her on no problem

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Ok guys another Q/A but it's about Akashura this time....and I'll do my best to answer each and every question about her so ask away😁

0 8

Did you miss him?? 😎

... I did 😭💖💖💖

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