hellou 💓 meu nome é lina, tenho 19 anos e sou uma ilustradora freelancer!

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Kuroshitsuji: Sharon

Magi: Latifah

Mythologic Academy: Katrina

Nanatsu no Taizai: Lina

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hEYO, it's YA GIRL, LINA, local tanuki gal hitting you up LIVE with some more SONIC ADVENTURE 2 where we'll probably get the true ending AND do chao garden wow!!! sounds like a cool stream!!

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Bem, meus seguidores jogadores de LoL, parece que finalmente temos a voz por trás da Vex!

E quem mais seria senão a incrível Lina Mendes?

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A dubladora da Vex é a Lina Mendes, voz da Raya na animação Raya e o último dragão, Anna Popplewell em As Crônicas de Nárnia e Violet Baudelaire em Desventuras em Série (2004) 🖤

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oi gente não sou mto conhecida aqui no twitter, mas vamos lá!!

oi, eu sou Lina, e meu sonho é trabalhar c a minha arte. eu sei que ainda tenho mto p melhorar, mas você pode ter certeza que eu tenho muita paixão pelo que eu faço!!

❤️+🔃= eu mto feliz

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HEYO, it's ya girl, local tanuki girl, Lina, going LIVE with some Sonic Adventure 2! should be fun revisiting this game after so many years!

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I rarely draw anime, but I still want to present my art in a different direction. These are my characters.
1. Kateiry
2. Shiyori
3. Lina
4. Nori

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You already know the drill at this point. More Lina content with (parts of) her default design :D

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Lina with her own idea of the !
apparently Jacko's crouch pose from years ago is a new meme in current year lmao

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My Lionfish little sister Lina-chan!!
Can't believe we debuted at the same month!!! THE RED STRING OF FATE!!!🐠
For both us! Happy one month anniversary<3

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i gotten into roleplaying, and i ended up turned lina into a funny fantasy swordswoman lol

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hey 💞 i’m lina, a freelance illustrator that likes to draw whatever i’m into that moment jsnsksnsk i hope that soon i’m be able to post my own comic and inspire people 💓

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Here I am being the last one to upload photos lol
Party to celebrate Lina's birthday 🖤💜
These amazing photos was taken by ran the potato lol 💜🖤

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Well bust up is all I have so far, but here's my Lina 😊

(Tattoo and clear since not sure which one I like most lol)

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Did a slight redux of Lina's design.

(2021 compared to 2020)

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