⚔️"The Dead are following," said Legolas. "I see shapes of Men and of horses, and pale banners like shreds of cloud, and spears like winter-thickets on a misty night. The Dead are following."🎨Władysław T Benda⚔️#LOTR

5 23

Doki Doki Literature Club! is a visual novel released in 2017. The game has a cult following, and was well received.

15 90

I know I only have a small following, but I've been on twitter for a while, so I decided hey, Imma do a face reveal. I'm really nervous but. Here I am

0 2

Thank you for following, liking, and retweets. For you, my painting of an iris from my garden in oil pastels. 🌸🌺🌼

37 82

Next Fakémon: Toothrops!

Support my generation by giving a like, following, sharing or commenting at my main art account on Instagram: https://t.co/ZqMRrAhyei

5 12

Redbubble currently have 25% off all clothing with code CLOTHING25OFF. Ends today!
You'll find my store at the link below, but if you go to my profile & check out who I'm following, you'll find a whole bunch of fantastic Lucifer artists. Happy shopping!

4 36

Okay, to celebrate 600 I’m going to attempt to do my very first raffle. I am meh though so don’t expect anything great lol. Rules are simple. Be following, comment with a ref by 2/7/20, and have no expectations lol. RT’s appreciated but not necessary, here’s previous bad paints.

17 46

It's my birthday today (29th January)!

Please consider one (1) of the following, of your choosing:
- retweeting my stuff AKA giving me serotonin
- draw some akeshu/souyo/minaryo in my honour and tag me
- i have a couple of OCs you could draw (see below)
- https://t.co/Y9DDJOyF9F

0 2

this is so sweet! don't have any friends over on here but tbh check out the artists i'm following, they're all super cool! 💖 thank u for doing this!
(2nd pic is a dtiys of @ AnnaRBirkedal's character! don't wanna ping them but their art is amazing!)

1 3

Probably don't have enough of a following, but why not?

3 45

Its a BERD~!

Fanart for
Me and my daughter have been following, enjoying Berds animations for some time now =D I am in a generous mood and decided to make him fanart, Thank You Berd!, We love your animations.

21 456

To enter:
Retweet this and/or the tweet above
If you're not already following, hit follow and post a ref, along with your favorite food/theme

Will be picking the winners on Jan 25th. (AEDT)

227 667

⚠️It’sss giveaway time!⚠️

Mini meat phone grips!

-Follow/be following, RT(no QRT) and like! No giveaway/alt accs!

-Ships 🆓 in US, international has to pay shipping unfortunately

-Will add tiers if entries exceed 200!

-Prize comes with mystery gift

-Ends on February 10!

21 31

I'm Cait! Just Cait. I'm trying to improve my art by doing a doodle daily and when I improve enough/gain a good following, I intend on opening up commissions! I currently am hosting a lil' giveaway too just because -- practice, and such. So <3 (Check Pinned)

1 5

Welcome to the twitter! JJBAM is series that began in 2017 to parody all parts of JJBA.
Currently we are on part 3. Here you can find announcements, updates, gags, or other stuff from our crew! We hope you check us out, consider following, & share us around! TY!

8 10

Thanks for all the following, support and love💖
I wish you all a happy New Year😸💕

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✨ WELCOME 2020!! ✨

I hope this new decade is extra good to you all!
Thank you to everyone who supported me this year🥳
Whether it was following, liking, pledging to my patreon, or commissioning me! I really appreciate all of it~

5 48

Impromptu New Year’s Raffle Thing!

✨RT, follow/be following, and comment your character to enter✨

Prize: One shaded artistic freedom piece

End Date: January 5

Please note that Quote RTs will not count!

20 31

Thanks for following, everyone! Any support is always appreciated. I've got more art, animation, and other fun stuff coming in 2020, so keep an eye out for that!

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I've redesigned an adoptable OC for a fantasy community.
A demon girl, Ixchel!

So this is my last one for this year.
Thanks everyone for your following, I wish you all a great 2020!🥳

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