画質 高画質



*Speech Bubbles / The Smile


1 14

The Island of Dr Moreau was a game previewed in 1997 Italian mags, an adventure in development by Haiku studios for PC and PSX.
A mix of Myst with FMVs and real time sequences and a possible tie-in with the movie, it was quietly cancelled and the studio disbanded soon after.

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*Catharsis / Master Soul Boy


0 10


*まつげ / 大石晴子


2 16

' At the time it is no more or less
the side of the sun at the end our date
the shade of a butterfly to the thighs '

1 4

' one brief smell of her breasts flopped
to stroke the moon an orange coat
late summer in the oak cross '

0 6

こんにちは ! Hi!


100 GIF editions for 0.1 each (almost a trying to avoid bots😅will keep minimum 10 and burn remaining next week)


"Old sidewalk
Trumpet flowers
Fall and die"

Like❤️and RT🔁is welcome
お願い します🙇‍♂️

10 17

' scent of yellow leaves among the birches
for the moon in the old roof
of end of an old man lingers '


0 2

Never had a job
Recites too many haikus
Yo, Sarubrother!

1 3

' entre pages of my finger around
the granite of the last nail hammered
a few yellow leaves among the lilies '


0 2


4 102

A MakoHaru haiku

shall we take a trip
somewhere warm and far from here
just the two of us


9 75

' ducks make their way to the mass of logs sit and rest
smoke from the house across the meadow
fly south to the wind still cold '


0 2

' bombsquad found a stray wisp of clouds
I hang the sickle moon in half
that crack in the shade of a hot bowl '


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People on art fight have drawn Tan-Tan, Danny, and Haiku

Now I just need art of these two to complete the long live japin protag gang

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haiku 🤭🖼️


Pride fills the Crux Captain's heart at the sight of the two lovebirds – so another toast is raised to distract her crew from the Ronin and Traveller's discreet escape.

... a sweet beginning to a long-awaited reunion.

& The Crux

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*God's Away On Business / Tom Waits

*アルブレヒト・デューラー《使徒の両足(ヘラー祭壇画の習作)》制作年不明 ボイマンス・ヴァン・ベーニンゲン美術館

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In an impassioned argument for peace, legendary haiku artist Bleurgh can't help but run with inspiration


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