HMS King George V - royal bunny

5 28

Happy {late} birthday HMS Queen Elizabeth 💗💗💗
Her majesty's birthday present from me woopsie
Character is from

0 12

We have decided that the first production run of the 1/700 HMS Colossus kits will be released without aircraft to avoid further delay. They will be available later from us, and until then you can always get them from Shapeways and other aftermarket sources.

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HMS Sirius eating her strawberry shortcake

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101年前の今日、1918年6月8日は英初代空母イーグル(HMS Eagle)の進水日でした。

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HMS Ark Royal - cortege

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HMS Illustrious - come coser, i tell you a secret

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HMS Unicorn - school uniform

0 1

HMS Illustrious and Unicorn

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HMS Prince of Wales - swimsuit

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