The reason why Jinki spoiled Kibum so much...

305 135

SHINee playing 'Jinki is mine' at the concert XDD

257 120

Sakura jinki and peach taemin ( ^▽^)人(^^;;; )

254 98

It's late but Happy 3rd Anniversary with Jinkibum * `ㅂ´)(^▽^ Thank you for your amazing pictures ♡

176 89

Jinki and kitten taemin ♥️

66 39

really adore how taemin would carry jinki using up all his might for their first win in music shows its just so cute

185 94

It's no mystery why these meddling kids always get into trouble. "Hijinkies."

2 19

Jinki's teaser - Old Man Goes Fishing At Night...#SHINee

258 129

Daddy Jinki with kids ~ (Happy Children Day ^▽^)

356 164

Here comes pink rabbit Jinki again! May I take him home♡▽♡!#온유

231 130