Lets get this prime hype train going BOIIIISS

47 185

When I heard that Sonic Prime was gonna be a multiverse adventure, all that came to mind was the Spider-Verse glitching effects

208 842

Recently i was reading the news about the Sonic Show that will air on 2022 and was paying attention to the logo showing "SONIC" fragmented and started to wonder about the words the writter for the series used to describe it "redemption" and "self discovery"

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i heard bout and i was harshly blasted back into fourth grade so enjoy *chefs kiss*

1 5

Now that the Sonic show is called what is your favorite past Sonic TV show titles? Which was your first Sonic TV Show?

52 327

Im excited for this show

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(this isn't really the model this is just my opinion on how he could look lol) 🦔⚡️💨

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Hope it’s more an actual crossover than an in-universe thing, but I doubt they have the rights...

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I just couldn't help myself lol. Hands were practically moving on their own. 😅

24 81

My own poster made by me!
I was super excited when I saw the announcement!

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So everyone is talking about but is no one worried about the designs about the characters?

Is this gonna be another "Sonic Movie" type of situation?

Look what happened with Mega Man 🤢🤢

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I'll take one more stab at the show then I'll fuck off

I have official concept art of Sonic Prime redesigns (or at least predictions of what they'll probably look like if we live in the timeline where everything goes wrong).

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