Apparently I was inspired by all the people working from home so here it is: a cute woman, a sleepy cat and blue hair!😊 Don’t forget to support me on 🙌🏻 ☕️💚❤️💜

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Might have shared the sketch of this ages agooooo, and while I had the lineart, I never really saw the need to color it ⭐ Even now I just left it on solid colors.

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Amor, ch'al cor gentil ratto
s'apprendeprese costui de la bella personache mi fu tolta: e 'l modo ancor m'offende. Amor, ch'a nullo amato amar perdona. Amor condusse
noi ad una morte: Caina attende chi a vita ci spense.
D Alighieri

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Non mi piace rispondere alle domande
che mi toccano intimamente.
Le risposte sono spesso ambigue
e si possono prestare a ogni interpretazione.
Anche se si tratta di una persona vicina.

Casino Totale ~ Jean Claude Izzo

📷 Antonio Palmerini

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In our current issue, Divya Ramesh reviews Torill Kornfeldt’s book, The Re-Origin of Species: A Second Chance for Extinct Animals where she discusses de-extinction via mammoths – its science and morality.

Illustrations: Hari Kumar

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