Go Yahwi hair and eye color switch with:
Lim Jooin
Canis Lupus
Go Yahwi's unnamed friend

8 36

They didn’t have to make Yahwi this hot no wonder Jooin can’t think straight around him wtf

0 10

I am so glad that you have enjoyed our gift, was prepared with a lot love. Team Yahwi always support you, and always be grateful with your work.

0 60

오늘 발렌타인데이 기념으로 해시태그 이벤트를 준비해 주셨어요! 너무 많은 멘션을 보내주셔서 전부를 리트윗하기는 힘들 것 같아 이렇게 일러스트로라도 감사한 마음을 전합니다. 늦었지만 새해 복 많이 받으시고 행복한 발렌타인데이 보내세요.❤️

904 6439

Thank you Goddesses for creating YTC and Yahwi, have a happy Valentine’s Day 🍫💖

37 53

Happy Valentine's Day Waje and Zzin-Bam, Thank you for the hard work
These are the chocolates I made for the first time ♡ these chocolates for you ♡♡ WE LOVE YOU ♡ and a simple fanart for you from

54 83

💝🎉Happy Valentine's Day Waje and Zzin-Bam🎉💝
Yahwi and Jooin wish you all a happy Valentine's Day! 💝

72 275

Happy Valentine's Day Waje and Zzin-Bam ❤️
Yahwi and Jooin spend Valentine's Day together!

65 110

Thank you so much for your hard work, I love Yours To Claim & Yahwi very much. 💕

39 60

Happy Valentine's day Waje and Zzin-Bam, thank u for everything, stay healthy and positive

45 66

My theory abt Yours to Clain is Jooin was a scholar back in Joseon Era where he has a pet cat (Yahwi) & one day, he saved a badly injured wolf (Cain) who's the wildest wolf out there but bc Jooin is kind, he get attached to him & the cat & wolf fighting for Jooin attention-----

2 5

Jooin chibi and Yahwi cat 🐈✨


89 728

Este hombre aparece en un panel, y yo ya tengo que dibujarlo, es que no tengo de otra, de verdad que barbaro Yahwi ^-^💖

4 20

Thank you very much for the chapter, it was a bit painful, Jooin's phrases were painful, I really live with the fear that they will turn Cain into bad, just for Yahwi to remain "good" I hope Jooin is happy with who he really is it's a man (Cain), please stay healthy !!😥🥺❤

3 34

Tan divino (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `)♡

2 12

Ok pero ¿imaginan toda la fuerza de voluntad que pudo haber tenido Caín en ese momento como para no ir y pegarle un manotazo a la mano de yahwi cuando agarró el brazo de Jooin? Esperó paciente a que Yahwi diga todo lo que tenía que decir. Luego él tendría su tiempo con Jooin.

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