I love blending whimsical design with strong and funny characters!
I'm represented by
You can see more of my work here: https://t.co/72rMDOJ8nS

Thanks for starting this hashtag !

11 71

Hi I'm Debora, a self-taught illustrator from Italy!
This tag is a really lovely idea, thank you so much !

🐝 https://t.co/Zy4sGPexdj
💌 deborarivasi.silverydreams.com
📷 https://t.co/7bTbHqKdsJ

0 13

Thank you So excited to see my fellow illustrators! I'm Sydney, a Canadian book designer and illustrator seeking representation.

1 19

It’s day!! Hello kidlit world! Thank you for starting this awesome initiative🙏✨

2 32

It's the first Thursday of the month, so that means it's ! (h/t to )
This was my postcard I was going to send out last year, but kinda sorta got pushed to the side (THANKS COVID). (Front/back)

2 39

Hi Here's one of my favorite illustrations from TWO DOGS ON A TRIKE, written by

portfolio: https://t.co/E1GxaROvdd
IG: robinrosenthal

Thanks for this great idea!

4 45

Yay! It’s Thank you for this brilliant idea.

3 18

Hey, it’s day. I’m Jon, a illustrator looking for representation. My portfolio can be found at https://t.co/MWQxxos4Nh

Thanks for this awesome idea!

1 14

Evening I'm David, I like to work in ink and watercolour both digital and traditionally. Have a book that I've written and illustrated out later this year but seeking representation still. Portfolio: https://t.co/hiXorJrst7

0 6

I don't have a new postcard so I'm sharing this instead. Kidlit peeps, join the thread!

10 121

Hi ! I’m Adriane, a children’s book illustrator who loves nature, fantasy, and capturing child-like joy ☺️💕

For more art: https://t.co/J4Rl91r1gP

For book related inquiries: jmcgowany.com

19 69

Hi I'm Polina, a Russian kidlit illustrator based in Seattle. I would love to illustrate picture books and chapter books. I'm looking for representation.

Take a look at my portfolio here: https://t.co/yvRSyGPCPX

Thank you !

6 24

It's day! Here's a little digital promo postcard for your enjoyment.

0 1

Hi I'm Lauren, a cartoonist and colorist working on my debut young graphic novel series EVELYN & AVERY, among other things! Eager to color for more graphic novels as well as illustrate PBs someday! I'm rep'd by !✨

💼: https://t.co/XGaxskUl4S

79 267

Hey I am Kay, an illustrator who loves kidlit and MG. My favorite things to use in my work are watercolor textures. I currently have 2 successful kickstarters for kids books. I am rep’d by and my portfolio is here: https://t.co/uN36tuxcx0 💚🏳️‍🌈

4 12

I'm an author and illustrator, currently unagented. Thanks so much to for starting this hashtag!

5 46

The first day of is exciting! This is from a book series I'm developing.

Thank you for an amazing new way to get our work out there.

0 21

Happy Day! I'm sharing an old favorite from the before times. Please visit https://t.co/red1L9xihC to see more of my work. Thank you for getting this started, 🥰

18 88

Thank you for the cool idea.
Paul is a writer/illustrator from Quincy, MA
He enjoys creating imaginative children's art.
Check out my work at https://t.co/PpDuZxGOQK

1 9