


そしてステージにギャンブラーの運命を握る女帝: 様の姿が!

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New stage in : !
Let me explain!

It appeared for the first time in the side story of (Mobile RPG): "Festival of Falling Flame"
It was then added as a new content: Casino, an mini-games area!
Also in more stories!

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に新ステージ: 追加!

スマホ版RPG のサイドストーリー『降焔祭』に初登場し、様々な遊びが楽しめる新コンテンツ『カジノ』として追加されたのだ!

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People are calling djeeta braindead?????? What qualifies as braindead in GBVS in the first place.

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⚔️The Peacemaker's Wings⚔️

Ok, That new trailer for and was Amazing! I love how dope they made my girl Zooey look!! What do you guys think of her trailer?


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Granblue Fantasy Versus character artwork of Zooey.

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太郎…のParadise Lostとローズクイーンは本編の音源ですが収録してもらいました!

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Zooey's ability list is live on the site!

Time to do our usual thread about her moves.


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I cant wait to wake up to all the GBVS news and Zooey trailer. But I havent been sleeping much lately so maybe I’ll just be up when it uploads

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Congrats to our Top 3 for this week's Online tournament. Here's a celebratory rushed photoshop for the winners

Top 3:
1st: (Lowain/Ferry)
2nd: (Zeta)
3rd: (Gran, sponsored by Timbs)

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¡Maña también tendremos al mediodía el tráiler de Zooey para Granblue Fantasy Versus! Fukuhara asegura que hay tanto que comentar en ese tráiler que ha hecho una versión en japonés y otra en inglés. ¡Seguramente se vienen novedades del parche!

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My guess on Zooey's skills (#GBVS_ZY) (?):
SBA: Wormhole
SSBA: Gamma Ray
Skill 1: Thunder
Skill 2: Spinning Slash
Skill 3: Sweeping or Inmortal Thrust
Skill 4: Something related to the Wyrm gauge (Dyrn/Lyrn)

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Is already confirmed and have sprites to promote him!

PS: yep, he will be naked, too! LOL!

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I'm finally posting this drawing... It took weeks to post it, just for laziness, lol.

I wanted draw her for a long time~ Narmaya from 💜

It's a simple drawing... I hope you enjoy her~

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