
1). KB-99(Karbine-Bullpup 1999):自動小銃。コンパクトさを重視しやや大きく角度をつけてマガジンが接続される。

2). PPF-84"Razvedchik":ロシア語で"斥候"の意。フルオートハンドガンだが、各種アタッチメント盛り盛りで運用可

0 4


Director of Photography: David Tattersall
Director: George Lucas
Crew: https://t.co/OoreeHJpWT

3 66

Slipknot (1999)

26 88

人狼 Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (1999)
Director: Hiroyuki Okiura (沖浦 啓之)
Screenplay: Mamoru Oshii (押井 守)
Art director: Hiromasa Ogura (小倉 宏昌)

99 298

크러셔 마코짱(1999)에서 나오는 필살기 연출. 이게 뭐야 ㅋㅋㅋ 처음 봤을 때 진짜 빵 터졌다. 개발진 개그 센스 쩌네. 기가 윙, 마스 매트릭스 시리즈 만든 그 회사 게임 맞나 싶을 정도 ㅋㅋㅋ

0 1

At least one of them doesn't mind being carried.

Donna and Roy from Titans Vol. 1 (1999)
Emiko and Lyta Milton by

14 33

正解はエドワード・ノートン/ブラッド・ピット主演、デヴィッド・フィンチャー監督作『ファイト・クラブ (1999)』でした。エンパイア誌が発表した「歴代最高の映画ランキング500」で10位になりました。

"1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB."
"2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB."

19 127

Birds of Prey (1999) (2/2)

Art from Casey Jones with

1 14

Birds of Prey (1999) (1/2)

Art from Casey Jones with

1 9

Birds of Prey (1999)

Art from Casey Jones with

1 13

Birds of Prey (1999)

Art from Dave Ross with Andrew Pepoy & Wildstorm FX

0 10

Álbum: Lobão - A Vida é Doce (1999)
Anime: One Piece
Personagens: Luffy e Going Merry
Sugestão do meu grande amigo Eduardo Ritalino

66 443

Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999) poster uploaded by
View HQ: https://t.co/5jwVeYyXCj

5 24

Birds of Prey (1999)

Art from Michael McDonnell with Rodney Ramos & Gloria Vasquez

2 12

Birds of Prey (1999)

Art from Butch Guice with Shannon Blanchard

0 13

Birds of Prey (1999)

Art from Butch Guice with Gloria Vasquez

1 17

Birds of Prey (1999)

Art from Butch Guice with Gloria Vasquez

2 22

Birds of Prey (1999)

Art from Greg Land with Drew Geraci & Gloria Vasquez

1 16