is code for "no evidence." already and Hillary hasn't produced any fakes because there aren't any.

197 244

On TOS episode 26 of Season 2; Kirk and Spock are chased by Darth Vader in an alternate dimension

4 5

The USS Enterprise had no bathrooms...

16 30

Say Hello to Alexander Black, a wizarding fool who charms ladies & fakes his death

2 3

New The Latecomer by Dimitri Verhulst. A man fakes dementia but finds it harder than he thinks...

2 1

Damien Hirst ‘fakes’ flood the market

4 1

《鳩鵪漫畫》923,習大大親自示範 A 貨,大閱兵觀禮團外賓齊齊稱讚中國沒有假貨。Xi Dada: Look, there are no fakes in China!

13 4

夏の風物詩新作と再販分の販売を開始いたしました♪良ければ覗きにいらして下さい(*´ `)

10 28

Sharks love it when Pandas take selfies with them

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The song "Itsy Bitsy Spider" is based on Spider-Man's childhood adventures.

79 123

れたす式花京院の黒バージョンをお迎えしたので! 花京院:れたす様 エフェクト:ComicalEdge/fakeshadow/o_LikeHDR/o_Tonemap

2 17