I mean at least Sho is trying to understand him...

0 4

haha wow this whole part is. wow

0 4

oh shut up Ryo you absolutely dud this for him but the bonus was that you'd get what you wanted if you didn't somehow die Y'AIN'T FOOLIN' NO ONE...

0 6

DON'T FUCKING SMILE YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF...... you could have stopped at any fucking time you goddamn idiot you literally dragged your bdsm duels around and kept doing them when it wasn't necessary Y'ALL Ryo I'm gonna punch you

1 6

weeps RYO.... don't think you can take this much more bro

0 6

ok this is cute tho :(((( yes Judai is worrying but uh RYO HAVING HEART ATTACK IS A LITTLE MORE PRESENTLY WORRYING...

0 4

Ryo you're having a heart attack I don't think you're going to be destroying anybody 😂

0 5

lmao Ryo rly be like STAY AWAY FROM ME [grits teeth and fights heart attack] [continues to give you advice]

0 6

fucking lol THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY BUT THE TIMING IS REALLY COMEDIC because Judai was absolutely going to lose

0 4

cute that you WERE gonna let him try first (which funny enough would result in your death? Like you were okay with that? Fff again... the level Ryo is shown to care in S3 makes me die)

0 5

[suicidal ideation tw] wowee GX is sure a thing errybody

0 6

The way Ryo slowly breaks down what the fuck Judai did wrong in this duel is so good.... he could have just blasted the fuck out of him and have been done with it but no!! He wanted to show him that his heart wouldn't be in it if he barged thru that door

0 6

lmao get power bonded, bitch

No but seriously, this duel really gives me S3 revo VS soba feels, as much as Ryo would try to deny that he did this to help Judai I'm sure, his intent is definitely to try to smack him out of his guilt and trauma-induced stupor

0 7