Versi tidak ada tulisan dan bersih seperti jiwa saya 👍🏻

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𝐑aka, 𝐉eha, dan 𝐑ajawali

— na jaemin local au
© tulisanmichel

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Setelah perilisan eps ini, anime Detektif Conan akan libur pekan depan terkait event

📺 Detective Conan eps 1014: Novelist That Called by Devil King (Filler), tayang sore ini di saluran YTV & platform Crunchyroll!

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Handwriting & Artwork ✨️

Maaf aku pakainya foto catatan Sejarah-ku, btw ini tulisan cepetku xD

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By delegating tasks we have generated more income and created more free time, to achieve our larger goals. We would like to help you do same with the very same people who helped us do it:

Meet our team:

Sophie former personal assistant to Melisande

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Fiquei tão indignado com esse vídeo que até desenhei a Giulia.
Imagina uma criança parecida com a Giulia vendo um ""artista"" dar um ""Glow up"" na personagem arrebitando o nariz dela, alisando o cabelo, colocando preenchimento labial, Afinando o rosto... PAREM COM ISSO!

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j'ai testé un petit dessin en utilisant pour la première fois le style des paysages ipad ect vous en pensez quoi ^^

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woh bego jelas jelas ada tulisannye

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I hope you like this Lisanna ☺️☺️

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🌟 Completed banners for 🌟

Artists Featured: @/_o8cho, @/lisanastrauss1, @/memiha (DA)
Please note: I am not the artist of the character art, I am simply the banner designer. I was provided the art to work with.

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Désolé pour les post sur mes illustrations Dragon Ball mais dès que j’en parle un peu ça m’obsède et ça devient plus fort que moi j’ai envie de développer mes idées sur cet univers en réalisant d’autres illustrations ou en retravaillant certains designs …

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Los flechasos siempre se le dan a trolli:3 tambien todo el dia lo anduve analisando pero esta vez es diferente

A timbaa se le dio su primer flecahzo:3

Sera k en ese beso timba se habra enamorado de trolli UwU

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jadi aku mainnya pake insting di yt ada sihh org main sub inggris ntar w tonton dah

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Un grand évènement compétitif online aura lieu cette fin d'année : une Coupe de France Dice Forge ! 🤩

Apprenez-en plus sur "The Challenge of the Gods" 2021 en lisant cet article de notre site :

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Yess sampe orang2 disekitarku nanya " Kmu bisa gambar kok tulisannya jelek "

Yagimana ya... 😢

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And the new Jewel Gacha exclusive characters

-【War Maiden on the Court】 Erza
-【Animal-Style Receive】 Lisanna

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Pour l'arc diabolos j'aimerais bien avoir des duos différents de d'habitude. Genre Lucy/Lisanna, Gajeel/Juvia, Elfman/Evergreen ou Grey/Bixrow.
Le but c'est que tous les membres de Fairy Tail augmentent leur puissance et pas juste la team principale

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Então pessoas pedidos estão novamente abertos !!
porem com uma leve alteração de preço pois por mais que eu tenha + tempo para desenhar agora, a qualidade dos meus desenhos venho analisando ela e ela tem cada vez melhorado mais e mais portanto irei mudar um pouquinho os preços...

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