画質 高画質

“Il Natale viene a insegnarci come trovare la gioia di donare felicità è la gioia di essere gentili”.
Louise May Alcott✍️

Buona serata, cara Gigliola e Tutte

Advocate -S

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Ok just playing around ai just for fun 😂 Michelangelo vs Leonardo in a fist fight

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I've wanted to mess around with a new hairstyle for my Michelle character. In 2013 or 2014, I gave her sort of a pink gradient on the bottom of her brown hair. Why? idk, it looked cool. :P I've seen hairstyles with the pink strips, and thought that could look cool for her too. :)

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first painting,The Torment of Saint Anthony, 1487 - 1488.

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Désolé le retard :

J'ai fait pas mal d'oeuvres pour la Commu Salée depuis un temps. Si c'est pour Michel Trou je suis open.

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I'm at a friend's house right now, I drew this with my cell phone 🐢

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Jean-Michel Basquiat was born in New York City on December 22, 1960. He sold his first painting in 1981 and died of a heroin overdose in 1988. Collectors of his art include Jay-Z, Leonardo DiCaprio, Madonna, and Johnny Depp.

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A lil' piece for my dear

And now we get to see my 2 flower boys in full colour!! How cool is that? Arte and Dill have sammiched their Tilly as their tickle filling.~

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“Il Natale è un’immortale ode d’amore
da serbare in fondo all'anima
e condividere in ogni stagione del cuore.”

cit. Michele Gentile


(Nella foto "Buon Natale"
opera di Viggo Johansen, 1891)

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Michelle tu sapa si kok anjing banget sok jdi leader bgt bangsat

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Aleshka mide 1.60cm y pesaria 80kg maso (va bajando al pasar del tiempo aunque siempre se mantiene arriba de su peso)
Michel mide 1.75 y pesaria al rededor de 90kg https://t.co/5O0uVEOMXq

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Born Jean Michel Bisquiat gritty street-smart successfully transcended "downtown" origins to blaze across international art gallery circuit emerging as 1 of most celebrated & most commercial American "naif" painters of movement …

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As they're the ones I've ended up focusing on. That includes Micheal who've I've basically written out of the story entirely and I'm not sure if he'll show up or not so. Yeah no more Franken Mike rip

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La semaine dernière, la jolie Diane de Michel Dorigny obtenait 41 250€ dans le Rhône. Cette semaine, à Florence, , ce Repos en Egypte a obtenu 32 760€. Comme souvent, Dorigny a repris cette composition (en octogone), exemplaire qui reste à retrouver

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La mayoria tienen pero estos más

Michel: trabaja de sicario, psicopatía sin diagnosticar seguro, problemas de ira y peleas físicas
Haru: manipulador, caníbal (y te quiere meter a eso), inseguridades enfermizas, poca empatia, usa "Virgen" como insulto¿

Los novios https://t.co/HdEiA6Q9fp

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Allez je tente ma chance :3 j'adorerais dessiner michel trou !

Je laisse le lien de mon portfolio ici : https://t.co/mY9K8nHhaM

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コミケ1日目 金曜日 東4"リ"-05b サークル「おいしいコロッケを作ろう」さんの新刊、「AniMICHELIN」にイラストを寄稿させていただきました🙏😇🙏

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