画質 高画質

Desenho que fez
Fiquei bonitão olha isso mano

Kai você é pobre para de comprar desenho pros outros

8 29

Chris is a consummate professional, a nerd with max Charisma, and a great guy.

I've dog-sat for him once or twice while he toured the world, comparing notes with other industry pros and sourcing home-grown liquors, wines, and beers from across the Middle East and the Caribbean.

1 12

Hai halo salam sejahtera untuk kita semua, dengan Chii yang sedang mencari mutual yume. Main fandomnya genshin tapi menerima warga fandom lainnya juga.

Pros: gatau
Cons: banyak, terutama bulol. Banget.

Info lebih lengkap bisa cek di https://t.co/cwnRccLFXQ
Thank u! ღゝ◡╹)ノ♡

22 15

Só pros do rock esse daqui🤘🤘

12 181

ART TRAIN 🚂🚂 Thank you and for the tags! 💜
My friend reminded me to run the train over pros so this shall be brupro-centric pieces
Your turns: https://t.co/RJGpAEui5L

12 42

vou lançar essa pros gatinho fodase

0 4

- unyu anaknya
- polos
- supel banget banyak temannya
- selalu bikin mood cerah
- emotional support
- sangat sayang keluarga

- rada kekanakan
- terlalu polos
- kadang suka ga liat suasana
- rada "mama's girl"
- hadapin dulu emaknya kalau mo gaet dia

0 1

- love language: act of service
- loves sweets
- nice fashion sense
- doesn't mind giving skinship in public
- remember all of your passwords
- know everything in your mind

- can't cook
- hates spider 👎👎👎 https://t.co/u848ZOpOZf

0 2

- mandiri
- logika dan perasaan balance
- pinter
- anak dari keluarga kaya
- sifat aslinya yang unyu keluar kalau udah kenal orangnya

- perhitungan parah
- super serius cenderung kaku
- lebih fokus kerja dulu sebelum percintaan
- gabisa digombalin, udah basi

0 2

- pecinta tanaman dan bunga
- pecinta kucing
- murah senyum
- selalu perhatiin penampilan diri
- tipikal "cottagecore" girl

- plant freak, mending urus taneman dari pacar
- humornya kadang dark/sarkas
- emosi dan moodnya susah ditebak
- diam2 menghanyutkan

0 1

- jujur
- humoris
- gapernah jaim
- pandai masak + punya resto
- anak gamers

- agak tomboi
- rada emosional
- gasuka disuruh hal yang menyangkut gender (ex: Disuruh a karena perempuan harus a, etc)
- dandan secara feminim. Not her style

0 1

- super nurut dan patuh
- gapernah demand apa2
- pekerja keras dan perhatian
- gapernah ribut soal makanan karena pemakan apa aja
- perhatian +++

- terlalu pemalu + penakut
- suka sungkan2
- selalu overwork ampe lupa diri
- suka gaenakan tanpa sebab
- pesimis ++

0 2

Pros : she's beautiful, gorgeous, milf, sugar mommy, will protecc u and gib anything u need
Cons : she's trolling you 24/7

This wamen https://t.co/LBJYo03e29

0 2

klo sama yoni
pros :
- hari kukis gratis tiap hari
- dibikinin aksesoris kece
- dikasih batu keren
- request lagu apapun gas (suka nyanyi blio)
- penampilan menarik,,
cons :
- bisa ngintip ke pikiran u
- udh nenek-nenek (tp jiwa sy forever sweet seventeen katany)
- u bisa dikutuk https://t.co/50NhUc0Ds4

0 7

faz tempo que eu posto nada de desenho aqui. não que eu nao esteja produzindo, mas é que é tudo trabalho pros outros, nada pra mim kkk
deixar aqui um pedaõ da última ilustração que fiz pra capa de capítulo do livro didático que to fazendo agora. Gostei da expressão dele.

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My next potential vassals are the Space Pirates. Pros: After losing a war to the Purifiers they've been reduced to one planet, making them easy to vassalise. Cons: Their last planet is adjacent to -two- genocidal empires! Great!!

0 6

Do you want THIS Vtuber? 😈


Sharp teef! Will bite!
Has large and comfy nest
Probably stole your soul

Can't peel a banana. No thumbs.
Very bad time management
Tax evasion


You know the drill. Quote RT or something.


2 7

[Do you want this Vtuber?]

Fluffiest hair around!
Tentacles grab a lot of things! Helpful!
Fluffy Scarf!

Gets scared easily
Folds to bullying and also to compliments

Quote tweet your own pros/cons and tag friends!

2 7

this process has its pros and cons

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