December art prompt day 20 - Glow. I don't really know what this is. Some sort of star nymph, maybe! Reference model: Natalie Dormer.

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Not really holiday themed haha but here are some bioluminescent fungi for today’s prompt “sparkle/glow”

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Day 20 - Sparkle / glow
Really tried to push my portrait skill with this one. And wanted to add lots of sparkle and glow 😊

10 52

In Latvia, XMas is called Ziemassvetki = Winterfestival
Budéli is part of it. They dress up as animals, sun or death and go loudly from house to house to drive away evil spirits
Hearty dishes are on the table. Anyone who eats 9 times will be rich and happy next year

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At XMas there is often a free space on the richly laid table. It is intended for a guest or the souls of the deceased.
Often there is some hay under the tablecloth to symbolize the nativity scene, and later, those who pull with the longest straw are in luck.

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Today’s prompt is “feast”! I had a ton of fun with this one - I loooove painting food!

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2° Lights

I always liked the lights fireworks do on things so I took the opportunity to make a simple gif about it:3

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Day 22 of art prompts - Re-Draw.

A past picture i did of Hank in pen only to teach myself to worry less about mistakes, redone but this time in colour!
I honestly can't tell you which I prefer.

10 29

I couldn't draw at all this week 😭 but I'm still in a Detroit mood so here are all my Connors so far 💙

9 27

Scientists have researched:

- In order to deliver gifts to all residents worldwide on time, Santa Claus would have to visit 822 apartments per sec and move at 1040 km/s.

- He has to deliver 1/1000 of a sec.

- Due to the different time zones, he has a 31h XMas Day

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a quick chibi doodle of my robot brendan interp

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Some emotes for the fans

Putting some up on the Discord, do you have a favorite?

1/2 thread

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Golden - Day 14 of

vannevar with a golden santa hat? more likely than you think 😌❄

14 60

Thanks 1) for the protection for Brendan & Theo, 's character who will first appear nearby.

Your in-game selfies are a LOT of fun to see!
2) 3) 4)

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Day 13+14: Tradition+Golden
Tried doing something different from my usual style! I really loved this soft look, I'm gonna try to get better at it (Yes, its The Scene from I still have feelings abt it🥺💙)

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