me, draw something other than Avatar? unlikely.
(in all seriousness these were a lot of fun to draw and I hope you all like them 👌🏻)

7 81

They should have brought Yamcha, His limit wouldn't have been the only thing he broke ^^. But in all seriousness, it was nice to see Yamcha be cool in episode 70!

5 61

In all seriousness, I've had a crappy day.

32 301

*inserts bad joke about the emperor's new clothes*
In all seriousness tho Yusuke is bae and you best not fuck with this boy or his fam because he will destroy you. 👀

43 65

In all seriousness, if you have a DS/3DS, certainly go for that version.

But if all you got is a PC, it's using a clunky mobile port, but it's still possibly the best game ever. Not bad for $15.

0 4

Hey doe eens een wilde gok wat m'n favo darkride is
Maar in all seriousness ik heb hier langer aan gewerkt dan wat ik origineel had geplanned😂😂

7 23

Happy Valentine's day! Vix thinks you're great to spend time with~ 💌
But in all seriousness, spend your day with someone you love, whether that's a pet, your family, best friend, or special someone

1 2

2. Tana
She is so mysterious, broody, angsty and tragic (especially in Esfera storyline). Everything I've ever wanted in a character. Also very OP. But in all seriousness, her backstory is so interesting and I feel so sorry for her.

1 2

Damn Leo keep it in your shell.
This has been fun to do because it's the one thing I try not to apply any seriousness or drama to. I just take whatever my friend suggests and run with it (while adding some of my own stuff too).

0 4

Niki surprised me with one of her Christmas gifts. We all get a kick out of Squirrel Girl in our house. I've joked, with seriousness, about dressing up as the character at some point. She contacted Craig Boldman and had a piece of artwork created for me.

4 19

In all seriousness is it a bug with him not killing off Public Defender when there is K.T. on the battlefield?

0 0

The last 24 hours for me.
In all seriousness, thank you everyone for the kind responses. You've made my week a lot better 💗

30 421

but in all seriousness, these daddies would probably be more suited for your cummies

0 11

-Insert intense eyebrow wiggling!-

But in all seriousness you CAN'T tell me you have a crush on my sona and not expect me to act on it.

51 311

Warm up doodle complete! Now, time for the seriousnesses!

0 5

To calm a certian friend's lust for ship.
In all seriousness I really like these.

1 6

in all seriousness t h o

16 81

. Heh. In all seriousness, yes, I created them for the persistent ones.

0 6

Don't late the seriousness of this new page distract you from having an awesome Friday. Read it here:

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