_MjUemnx0VHphJKea8rZguv8 明日UFC!ジャッジに判断を委ねない試合を決めきるファイター達の熱い戦いを期待します!!!

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E8jUemnx0VHphJKea8rZgusT knee kick! UFCのナンバリング大会以外を見るためにFOXに加入するか悩む(-.-) ドラマとかウォーキング·デッド並に面白いのこれからもやるかな?

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88jUemnx0VHphJKea8rZguvz I'ts Tiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmeeeee!!!!!! 過去絵ですが明日の今頃UFCあるしアメリカさん反応してくれんかな

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this is an artwork dedicated to you wanderlei, I hope you like it:-)

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My artwork of The GREATEST The Spider Anderson Silva

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"LIKE" our Facebook page and be entered into a drawing to win a poster by http://t.co/tMsNEYAU

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Quick iPad sketch of UFC legend Chuck Liddell - done while watching season 1 of the Ultimate Fighter

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And here is a random MMA fighter - have been watching a LOT of TUF lately so it was bound to happen

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