(Ignoren que se me da como el Kulo dibujar Hombres y piernas (?)

Igualmente me gustan los diseños, podrían ser mejores... SI.
Pero es lo que hay xD

Aquí tenéis a los dos "Heroes" De la historia ✨

¿Que eres? ¿Un chico o una chica?

27 101

Commission for the lovely of N Harmonia from Pokemon Black & White :D

the contractions are hitting the poor boy hard!

Like my work? why not consider supporting me on Patreon at

16 58

note de service : ami•es libraires, sachez qu’à partir de ce titre, nous sommes diffusés et distribués par :) 📚📚📚

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Everyone is ignoring the fact that N's real name is: Natural Harmonia Gropius

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This triggers a lethal curse upon his children. To lift it, Cadmus begs the gods turn him into a snake. His wife, Harmonia, distraught at his metamorphosis, embraces his serpentine form as it snakes up her body & begs the gods to transform her into a serpent also.

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Una dolce musica sale verso il cielo alle stelle che l'amore è luce e armonia.

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abyss ミニリングや夢の中のお友達、空のあいわい等、新作が沢山並んでいます!もちろん、harmonia各種も👍🏻✨


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【お知らせ】Keyさんの20周年記念CD「Key Best Song Remix -to the Future-」の発売が決定!歴代11作品から各1曲、計11曲を新アレンジで収録したRemixアルバム。こちらになんと、私が歌唱した「届けたいメロディ」(Harmonia・メインテーマ曲)も収録されるそうです😭💕嬉しい!https://t.co/jtEkCSOW5J

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挿絵はメンバーの初念( )作です。


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Just got a new tablet yesterday with screen display for the first time (the xp-pen 13.3 !) and I’m loving it so far! 

Tested it out with N last night in honor of pokemon black and white’s anniversary :’)

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The Harmonia Family 🌱❤

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fiz o do
Mano,que oc LINDA,foi muito divertido desenhar ela,as cores chamativas e totalmente em harmonia e as características fascinantes da oc,amei fazer de verdade.

1 4

Credo al mondo come a una margherita,
perché lo vedo. Ma non penso ad esso,
perché pensare è non capire
Il Mondo non si è fatto perché noi pensiamo a lui
(pensare è un’infermità degli occhi)
ma per guardarlo ed essere in armonia con esso..Pessoa

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Zara vs Tyrannis. One shall stand, one shall fall, and the worlds of Harmonia and Chromia will never be the same.

Don't miss this epic finale at your Local Comic Shop tomorrow!

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