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Lachlan: *sees Unikitty looking hurt with the now lifeless emotion stones surrounding her* Unikitty? Are you okay?

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Twilight: “Hello? Rainbow Dash? *waves her arm in front of her* Yo!!

Rainbow Dash: *staring at Lachlan being cute*

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*the girls introduce themselves to Celestia in reverse order of becoming Lachlan’s friends minus Twilight since they already know each other*

Rarity: I’m Rarity.

Pinkie Pie: Hi! I’m Pinkie Pie!

Fluttershy: I’m Fluttershy, it’s very nice to meet you!

Applejack: I’m Applejack!

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Lachlan: WOOHOO!!! *he hugs Twilight* Mom’s right! Friendship IS magic! *the girls don’t know who his mother is yet*

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Lachlan: Does this mean that we’re friends?

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Pinkie Pie: Oh really? What if you suddenly get hungry and decide to eat one of us?

Lachlan: I wouldn’t do that! I only eat store bought meat!

Applejack: Besides Pinkie, he’s too small to eat a pony!

Rainbow Dash: Hah, yeah, if anything, we’re more likely to eat him!

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Celestia: I have something very important that I need you to do for mommy. *wink*

Lachlan: *completely clueless* Ooh, what is it?

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Rainbow Dash: Hey Lachlan! How’s Equestria’s coolest hero doing today?

Lachlan: I don’t know, how are you?

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Lachlan: *wiggling the tip of his tail like a snake’s head* “Hi Twilight! There’ssssss no reassssson to be ssssscared of me!”

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Fluttershy: Just imagine Lachlan’s tail as a friendly snake, keeping you safe from harm and danger.

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Applejack: Aw, ain’t nothing to be afraid of, hon.

Fluttershy: Does being coiled in Lachlan’s tail help a little bit?

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*the others let Fluttershy go, and Lachlan keeps holding Twilight with his tail*

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Lachlan: Watch this! *he manages to hold, lift and carry her with his tail, like a snake*

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Lachlan: *ties her up with his tail* Gotcha!

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Lachlan: *swaying side to side from tiredness*

Rarity: Oh Lachlan, you look so tired.

Lachlan: I am... *goes to leave* I should probably go- *really huge yawn* -home... *he’s clearly too tired to walk back home*

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Sweetie Belle: Please don’t be mad at Lachlan for visiting us this early-

Rarity: Mad? After the poor darling had a nightmare? Oh heavens no!

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Sweetie Belle: Try not to think about it, it’s probably just another old nightmare anyway.

Lachlan: Hm... you’re probably right.

*just then, Rarity walked in, slightly frightening the two kids*

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Lachlan: And... I could hear another voice saying “Only you can defeat this evil, Lachlan Dingo” over and over again... and then that mysterious hedgehog said “It’s not your friends I’m after... it’s you”... and that’s just when Auntie Luna woke me up...

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