Je veux tenter l’#artstylebend ! Dites moi ce que vous trouvez caractéristique de mon style de dessin et je doit dessiner en faisant le contraire !

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Finally finished this one <:) at first i wanted to design a character specificly for the "bended" style but eventually decided to go with one character for both as you can compare them more easily

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Illustrations pour le sur insta ~
(Je suis toujours en recherche d'un style au digi XD)

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Was attempting an artstyle bend challenge this is what i got topkek

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cw pupiless eyes
Turns out I did it wrong so here's my once again, featuring my DnD oc in a cloak of eyes (got the inspi from an old pinterest image)

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I kinda wanna do art style bend! I’m gonna leave some art examples and ask for you guys to give me up to 4 characteristics to NOT draw. Pls help me improveeee :’)

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Este es de los retos más interesantes que he visto y uffff quería hacerlo, va de tomar los rasgos más característicos de tu estilo y hacer lo contrario
fue bonis hacerlo junto a ustedes amigazos
son wapos

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hi here's my I made an attempt, let me know how I did...
used vanitas as my guinea pig this time bc i miss drawing him

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i hope i bent my style so far to the edge that it's borderline "ari, did u even draw this?"

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finally got around to the artstyle bend challenge!! this was equally fun and horrifying..

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So i was never rly happy with it but here was my attempt with the gonna post it anyway LOL

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finally finished the challenge! it was pretty interesting to try out tbh

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me before and after i have to pay off tom nook loans

which one is your favorite? (original --> bent)

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I'm done for this challenge (ㆁωㆁ)✨✨

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биполярочка вышла
русскоязычная версия в группе вк

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including how I draw myself!
Also, Julien is a fucking asshole-

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