Por cierto, ya va siendo hora de bautizar a mi OC androide , qué nombre le pondríais?

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Look I know I been posting a lot of robot stuff lately but you can be so much more delightfully rough on them without having to worry about hurting them, I just can’t resist :D

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My entry for 's
Here's a robot gal Im naming Blitz. She's a bit of a punk robot Dj super friendly...albeit sassy.

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Naming robot plushie bunny girl Esther. (Poly-esther? 😏) She was this kid's imaginary friend and long story short, he grew up to be a reclusive scientist and built a robot version to make her real.

Also she's 7 foot tall. She puts Foosie to shame.

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Author: ATIndustries (pixiv 25173977)

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My next contribution for is a Vampire Robot Girl! She is designed for blood extraction, of course. Various needles and fangs can help her take as much blood as she wants and can store it in various containers on her.

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So my First Submission for is a Robotic Werewolf Girl! She is designed for hunting with a Visor Mouth display for scanning, Radar Ears, powerful legs, and strong Claws! I love her design! What do you think?

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Did this drawing of a while ago so I’m reposting it to share with everybody.

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And here is a significant figure of 1,500
This is really cool, and for that I have a comparable drawing
Thank you, let this eva fulfill all your desires)

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I felt nostalgic for my RPGMaker days so I decided to go ahead and start to make a game again, So meet MAGGy she'll be the protagonist of my future game she is a robot mom who fights through a dark and decrepit spaceship to save the kids

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