Como #MaréAltaRotas foi, infelizmente, cancelado, eu conversei com o Patrux e ele me autorizou a mostrar as artes que já estavam prontas pra alguns dos participantes do RPG.
Pra quem tava curioso sobre estilo e tudo mais, segue a thread que vai ter algumas artes!
ARC III SNEAK PEEK 3: The original members of the Shinobi Corps. Chromra reappears after disappearing with Miasma Nova and came back to take care of Arashi. Forest, recovering from the confrontation is feeling fine, but something is making Hitachi worried.
@HoloD4C Seguro ya lo haces pero mantén esos recuerdos siempre contigo y recuerda las cosas buenas con cariño pana, a seguir adelante y afrontar lo que venga.
Luego de mi discurso motivador de turno es hora de seguir en lo mío
-but cannot catch up to them before they run off (there is no physical confrontation), and of course when Jonathan angrily rolls around the grass when shouting Dio's name, he doesn't fall into the river
#ricordiamodomani 1985 m. Marc Chagall, pittore
La sua arte, per affrontare e superare i nodi della vita e della condizione di ebreo, cerca di effonderli in sogno e in bellezza
@SerFiss @Stefano32847521 @giusyoni @vitozullo1 @AndreaMarano11 @GPiziarte @GiEffeRuzzeddu @avadesordre
eu amei isso aqui. ele não tá tentando forçar uma reconciliação a eda claramente não tá pronta mas ele ainda quer estar por perto pq se importa com ela isso aqui é absolutamente tudo.
o pai da eda respeitando q ela não tá pronta pra lidar com o que aconteceu foi a melhor coisa desse ep.
@comic_support Also Aaron has some similarities to me. We’re both non-confrontational, terrified of being rude/hurting ppl’s feelings, and often get into situations that make us uncomfortable because we fear being rude
Always enjoyed having Otae play a central role in the Ryugujo arc. Her confrontation with Otohime did contribute in bringing the latter back to her old self in the end...
#イラスト #soccer #football #三笘薫 #mitoma #川崎フロンターレ #kawasakifrontale #japan #日本代表 #samuraiblue #jleague #brightonandhove #bhafc #キャラ画 #seagulls
【4/2 #川崎C大阪 試合情報】
#かわさき応援バナナ と #かわさき応援アボカド でおなじみの #株式会社ドール 様のご協力を得て
@elladyne_art @Aylanator333 @i_caruss @Jeydak69 @archiegunya @baileyscribbles @Gardivanyth @artofkarthik @cherrym0use @DanielleThamasa @AstarothArcaine @liefy__greens @xyrnala @kelpeaart @todokemep I'm gonna volunteer Chry !! She's my shifter warlock playing in Curse of Strahd rn !! She has amnesia and is a little confrontational but she's learning about the world around her and having fun doing so !! Also perma bird legs :3
ah maybe this old Ann from 2019? my frontal lobe was tingling something fierce