"As humans advance into the skin equivalent of crumpled paper, they presumably grow wiser. However, this one only gets bolder & sees no fault in his hugged set "wisdom"—the ecstatic bastard," she huffs.

8 46

The last prince of the village ventured to see the world he was told never to experience, for fear of the dangers it possessed. There, he discovers a shaman. Who offers to teach him magic. An art lost form his people for over 1,000 years.

2 18

The man who stood in the dock was hoping to his sentence; the prosecutor argued that the isomorphic structure of his crime has no relevance. Shooting an unarmed man in the back just because he is black requires redemption, the price will be paid in full.

1 14

The thing beats me
I fiddle with that cube
ploughing through it
permuting the colours
to create perfect faces
what a stubborn riddle
I'm lost on algorithms
that list is long finished
moving surfaces around
for I am the Rubik's fool
no idea what I'm doing

11 68

Carpe Diem

A storm is brewing
by minute,
hours seem complicated
& divinely orchestrated.
planets align
before our very eyes—
thunderous roar & lightening
to my surprise—a twist of fate & seethe—now transform & just

4 5

Lend your lenses

Borrow a frame to wear
Few times

Be in someone else's
Shoe grime

Scope your life with rented
Shades to mime

crisis that is felt
Like sour limes

Teach your perception to
Make lemonade to rhyme

7 27

Each of us
Born in

How we use
Is our

To do good
By earth is

We are at life's
Disposal is

Building up
On each other is

To contest
Dispute, clash is

Empathy, kindness
Is classically

5 28

He judged love by the of “I love you’s” we texted each other. He never wrote less than ten “x’s” after every message to me,unless he was upset,then it was 1 or 2. I told him that wasn’t me,(not one to gush),& anyway he did it to everyone so it was meaningless

4 26

the love
was rooted
in equation
w/the misunderstood
misread intention
dents in wood
against grain
multiplied detach
long-divided tree
wintered seasons
w/#integers of
grappling reasons
by childhood me
loves not always
expressed as it shld b

5 37

Act I

Though inner demons may be in not, they do not define our epilogue; quite the contrary. And upon when we find peace & inner strength within our private sanctuary, our ’FAITH’ is what prevents the wary.✍️🏽#Bravewrite

0 10

Stories tell of a man that walks by day and flies like an owl by night. He dwells in the twisting gears of his castle fortress. Watching us mortals from above. With widened eyes and a hoot that echoes through the emerald mist.

1 15

The android’s metal nails left gouges on the hardwood floor as she pulled herself towards the outlet. She slid through her owner’s blood, leaving a ruby trail. Her charge was almost She reached for the plug. He reached for her leg. Her robot eyes zapped and faded.

5 18

Trapped in a of revolution - enlightenment alludes us!

stairway reappears as we bravely go where no one has gone before. In flagrante delicto we were forged in glorious ignorance we will flourish.

0 9

I lay back
upon water’s skin:
let her cradle me
in fluid warmth
and take my weight
as I look up and lose myself in
cerulean depths of vapour light

Inhale it all

And float awhile
within my neon pink torus

Breath filled

9 58

A flutist on the howling wind sought you upon a tenebrous descension. It was an enchanted night and you left your blanket fort—the safe zone—for a warm mausoleum. Foolish souls hear. Listen. 365

10 55

and calm
Keep fear away
Like placing
Pieces of puzzle
To reveal
A brighter outlook
And landscape
With two hearts
Beating as one
There’s hope
And love
To keep the wolves
At bay

79 113


When someone mirrors
our weakest point,
it expands, and
that space,
that void,
is filled with something
which belongs to
someone else,
or an
of almost nothing.
We need insight
about ourselves
before the world
pushes itself,
into our emptiness.

7 13

"He spoke of calculus and epsilon. It brought thoughts on the sole recourse," she said, tossing stones into the truck.
"Was cutting his throat truly the only recourse?"
"He's home in hell, isn't he?"

15 78

Hospitals here are like palaces
Never have I seen a building so elaborately decked out
By God I can spin a penny right off its marble floors
Epsilon, are you keeping abreast of what’s going on?
is mine

1 7

Sinking deeper into the ice, I get pulled to the surface. Look out the window, houses are swallowed by black lightning. I hold my dog as he growls, the demon enters the room. I am aware he wants to enter my body. Eyes open shadows lurk in the corner.

0 2