Not today, anxiety. (From my latest article on QuietRev, on being the "new kid."

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Lilya Martel, a protagonist of </reality>, struggles with social Can you relate?

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This. Please understand that I already know I shouldn't be having a panic attack over this... belittling it won't stop it.

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.. Bombarded children! I MUST b beautiful. I MUST have the newest phone. I MUST b rich. I MUST b famous. STOP &

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--Excuse me while I curl up in the fetal position and sob. (See more comics at

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Great! Now I have puppet anxiety too! Thanks Donald. Saturday night 7:30 in the Lounge. in performance.

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humor. Catholic-boy humor. on 10.22 @ 7:30pm in the Lounge. Hope you can join me.

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Prepping for Lounge Oct.22 Brief Anatomy of My Anxiety. Laugh, drink, think.

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Telling people they're not anxious - not helpful.

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